
I Need help guys?

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Guys plz i need some advices,,, i am a married woman and i cant stop chating on the net with other guys? Is this gona effect my marriage?




  1. I think by chatting with other guys on the net might somehow affect your marriage in a way.  It might be an indication of you and your husband not spending enough time together and getting the chance to talk.  If that is not the case, it could be that he's not putting enough excitement into the relationship. I think that you're seeking attention which you are not getting from your husband. (that's all an opinion)  You have to ask yourself why you are chatting with these other guys on the net. If you do because you like to flirt and get fulfillment from it, you might not have the same feeling for your husband as you did when you got married.  Sometimes you don't think that is the case, but its more of a subconscious type of thing.  

    You'll probably want to deal with the issue for the sake of your marriage.  I know that if I'm married, I wouldn't feel comfortable if my wife is obsessed with chatting with other guys on the net. It'll eventually leads to other things.

    Hope that helps and good luck.

  2. You obviously know that something isn't right in your life . figure out what is going on in your conscience that precipitates you seeking the company of other men on line or otherwise . You know you have issues or you wouldn't be asking such a question . Put yourself in the place of you husband . How would you feel if you knew your hubby was seeking the company of strange women on line ? I sincerely dought finding such a thing out would inspire trust or security in your relationship .There are very few situations that happen in life , that can't be figured out by asking yourself , What are the consequences of this type of behavior and how would it make ME feel ?

  3. of course it will..try to avoid from chatting with other guys...

    if you are too free, find a job or do housework to make yourself a busy women. you will definitely forget other guys..but don't forget your husband...try to spend more time with your and go out with him more.


    don't bother other ppls say if got.

    good luck!!!

  4. i think no effect

    if you full fill all responsibility of your family

    most of all woman and men talk with other friends neighbour etc.

    and you  talk  on inter-net its OK no problem but responsibility first

  5. what time does he go to work?

  6. Get yourself a model trainset and spend more time with your husband and less time on the net.

  7. since u are u a married woman u are assured of the supply whenever u want it. i dont think u should look for other guys then. in a limited however u can chat , just to add spice to ur activities. still if u need more stimulation, u can chat but make sure ur spouse does not catch u. no hubby in india will like that unless ofcourse he is also granted same freedom. u should understand what i mean.

  8. hey baby how's it going ;)

  9. Yes, it will eventually effect your marriage.  I suggest you seek professional addiction counselling.

  10. Yes it is, spend more time with your husband and less time ignoring him and chatting to guys who aren't him. Would you be happy if that's what your husband was doing?

  11. ill answer this Q even tough ima girl lol

    yea it probably will cause who knows u might fall in love this guy ur chatting with

    for example if u fall in luv with a guy u'll b chat with him like 4 hours u have time 4 ur husband at all cause ur in luv with this guy then u'll start calling this guy then u'll wanna meet someware and soo on... this could happen i guarantee u!!

  12. why do you chat with guys only? I doubt your intentions.

  13. not necersarily, if your just chatting, not leadin them on or flirting, why should there be a problem.

  14. if you are asking this question then the answer is yes. it has already effected you so you had to ask this.

  15. The lawyer that will be representing you will be banking his money even though he looses your case
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