
I Need help with a specific roomate/router /interenet question for I.T's out there.please help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i pay for comcast internet.

i have my desktop in my room.i have a router in my room wired to the computer.the router is plugged into my roomate bought the router for his use .he uses a laptop in the next room with a wi fi card.

he set passwords for the router and he says sometimes he needs to get in the router because he is an I.T.

how easy is it for him to invade my privacy and see what im doing online?or see my files ?or search my computer?basically, how safe am i to feel comfortable enough to know im secure and he cannot track what i do ...i dont want him to be able to see which sites i have visited..i find that disturbing....and i think he can do that.if i get the pass word, can i shut off tracking for my computer?or??what should i do ?i told him i want the password and i need to set it but he says he needs the password to get into the router for specific things for his my firewall enough? please tell me what i have to do to block my activity from him!




  1. go to and find the answer

  2. You should be fine, unless he is a super expert he won't be able to do anything.  The only thing he could really do with the router is limit which ports you can access (ie play online games or not).

  3. Well #1 if you are paying for Comcast and not him.  Tell him to either give you the password, or remove the router.  Let hime get his own Connection.

    For your 2nd part;

    for tracking your Net activities , it depends on what kind of router it is ?   There are some that do have the ability to log site and keep track of were people are going/went.  Also if he has loaded keyboard trackers or remote connection software then again yes he could see what you have been doing.

    For seeing your files, He will be able to see the files on your sharded folders.  Also, you should have passwords on all the users accounts on your computer.

    Your Firewall is OK, but if he has access to your desktop then he could have easily installed software to your computer.  Try running SPY-BOT/Ad-Ware and TrendMirco housecall

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