
I Need help with my guppies.?

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I have 3 male guppies and 1 female. I asked the person at the pet store for 3 females and 1 male, but i got the opposite.

The female is always being chased by the males is there anything i can do to stop this.

Or can i just leave her, i dont mind if she has fry(i have another tank to raise them in). I just dont want my guppy to be stressed and die.

Also i have 2 red sunset gouramis and one is active while the other just sits on the bottoms or floats on the top. Is there something wrong.

I cant find any visible signs of disease.




  1. Only answer is to take the female back. If you get 3 females you will very quickly be overrun with fry so IMO you should stick to the 3 males.

    As for the gourami - dwarf gourami are notoriously weak sounds like you have a sick one. I'd isolate and see if you can treat for internal parasites and generally give him a chance to recouperate.  

  2. take them back to the store

  3. take two males back to the store and get them to change them for females.the males will constantly harass her and she will get stressed out. as for the gouramis cant help on that one is your water stats ok. only other suggestion is that you just got a weaker one just see how it settles in

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