
I Need to Build A Styrofoam Boat? What is a design I could use to Make it go as fast as possible?

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What is the design I could use to Make it go as fast as possible? I can only use a sheet of styrofoam that is 30cm by 30cm. I have to propel the boat by using 2 candles that will heat up water in a test tube, which will propel the boat forward. I am allowed to use the styrofoam sheet, glue and popsicle sticks. How should I make it? Thanks for your advice.




  1. Make it 4 times as long as it is wide, with a pointed bow and square stern. Use a few Popsicle sticks as possible as they add weight.

    If you need to make it wide, then make a catamaran design-two hulls with a deck over all.

    Make certain that the steam exhaust is in the exact center of the boat.



  2. Look in boat racing books or magazines and find a hydro-plane. When you really look at a hydro-plane there is not to much to them. Very simple design. Hydro-planes can go in excess of 250 M.P.H.

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