
I Need to know how to file so that less money is taken out of my paycheck.?

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I am 24 years old, married, and have a 3yr old. I get paid an hourly rate. My husband doesn't work, and is currently in jail. I am soley responsible for our 3yr old and for my husband when he isn't in jail. I need to know how I should file in order to get the least amount of money taken out of my check. I make $8.50 per hr and I average about 35 t 37 hrs per week. I need the money much more during the year so I would like more money now rather than getting it at the end of the year. How should I file????




  1. If you change your W-4 to Married, 3 exemptions or Single, 5 exemptions, you shouldn't have any federal withholding on your check. This is fine and perfectly legal since you won't have any tax liability based on your income. The only time it would be a problem is if you claimed ten or more without any justification.

    As for your filing status, you'll probably qualify for head of household depending on how long your husband is incarcerated and where he lives when he gets out.

  2. you would need to change your W-4 form to claim more exemptions, like claiming 2 instead. however, be careful doing that.  that can cause you to owe money at tax time, and you probably don't want to do that.  you could claim 1 though, and that will cut down on your deductions.  claiming 0 or -$10 (which my dad does) will take more money out, but you get it back at tax time.

  3. Single and zero takes out the most. Exempt status takes out nothing. Remember, though, you'll have to back up whatever you claim if you get audited!

  4. Tell your employer you want to submit a revised form W-4.  Ask to see how many dependents you are claiming now. If it's less than three, change it to three.  If you are claiming three dependents you cannot legally claim more.  It is easier to have more taken out than less.

  5. Claim 2


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