
I Need to no what plays a tackler have ?

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can u help me learn those plz




  1. Sounds like your asking about Offensive Tackle.  

    This is a very tough question to answer without more info.  You need to know what front the Defense is in.  Are they in an Even front, like a 4-4 4-3 or even 6-2  or an odd front such as 5-3, 5-2, or a 3-4??  Where are the DT alined? Head up inside shade, outside shade??  What's the play?? Dive, trap, sweep.

    Base blocking is in simple terms, the most basic blocking sceam.  Now depending on the play and where the defense is alined you will most likely block the man infront of you in a base block.  

    Gee Block= is often used when your running off Tackle, or between the Tackle and Tight End.  Both the Tackle and tight end block down a man, or inside.  So you will be covering for a pulling guard, and the tightend will block the man lined up directly over you.  The guard pulls and kicks out defenseive end.

    Weak??  This could mean when the play is on the oppisite side of the line that your on.  if so take a hard inside step and don't let anyone cross your face.   In simplier terms take a 45 degree step with your inside foot and make the defense fight through you or have to loop around your outside to get to the play.

    Here is a good website that may help you out better.


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