
I Need your Opinion.. Is $16.64 an hour good for this job? ?

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I am a 32 year old married female with four years experience in the field. also have 180 hours PTO a year and total coverage benefits. I work at a group home for people with developmental disabilities in So. California, (Cost of living is insane!!) The job is pretty kick back and fun but I've also been attacked once (not bad) The 2 previous years my raises have been 7%, this past week, I got my three year review and got a 4%! Does this sound like okay compensation for this type of work? Or am I getting shafted...




  1. are you kidding? where can i get this job? i'd love to make that and have that coverage.

  2. if you have extra time you could get another part time job. or stick with this one and look for other jobs. compare and decide!

  3. That's double minium wage out here! I say it is, but if you get attacked again I suggest they start doing something about security where you work. Also remember that CA has made some cut backs, if I remember correctly some workers will start from 6 dollars per hour again.

  4. Lara

    I do the same work in Northern New York state.

    It is tiring but at times very rewarding.

    I'm making less than you with 9 years in, I also work for a non profit not connected to the State.

    I love the PTO I get a well. You need it in this field.

    If you ever decide to go into management then you'd make a bit more.

    Living where you do I understand. I lived south of San Fran in the late 80s it was outrageous then.

    Sounds like a decent raise I just got 2% with 1% last year.

    I almost got knocked out one time. Mean right upper cut to the hinge of the Jaw. Big bright fuzzy spots with a back flip in the tummy.

    Oh yeah gotta be safe.

    Take it slow.

  5. all depends if you like the work

  6. In this economy, many people would kill for a 4% raise (not to mention your benefits).

  7. i live in indiana where the average wage is about $8 an hour so heck yeah

  8. About $47k a year assuming full time? Cost of living may be h**l, but seems like good pay for a "kick back" job...

  9. I'm sorry but heck no. I'm a thirteen year old kid and I already make half of what you make and I don't have bills or experience or anything for that matter. You need to find another job, get a raise, or move to somewhere. This is just my opinion though.

  10. I honestly do not know.

    Check the want ads.

    4% raise sounds ok.

    Kicked back is great..

    Right now not the time to be out of work.

  11. Are you certified to be a PA? If so, you are WAY underpaid.  If you are not a PA, go to school and become one!

    Good luck :)

  12. I'd like to be making that much for that job-my husband and I own a small business...we get whats left.

    But: it would depend:

    *Are you happy?

    *Do you enjoy your co-workers?

    *Can you afford your housing and living expenses?

    * Do you have benefits (Medical, vacations)

    *.Do they reward you regularly w/ raises. bonuses?

    * I don't need to ask if you like it where you live- cause it's CA- no brainer.

    If those questions are answered favorably- I'd say yes.

    Check here:

  13. It's ok compare to the people who work minimum wages to feel better about yourself but there's some people I know that make twice or more than you.

  14. 16 an hour sounds pretty good but it depends on the hours you work and how much money you have for your self after bills and things are payed, and how much money youd like for yourself

  15. i think you're fine

  16. In PA, that is unheard of.

  17. You are being shafted, ask for at least $18/hr.  

  18. i feel like ur getting alittle ripped off. When i was 19, i used to get paid $20 and hour to be a nanny when i didn't have class!! that included as much food as i wanted, tv, comp. and the kids where wonderful!!!!

  19. With that experience(years) you should continue to look around, I'm sure you can make more, especially in California

    Don't sell yourself short

  20. Yes, $16.64 is good for that kind of job.  

  21. Don't forget, If Obama gets in.

    You will be paying more taxes.


    Fuel prices are not going to drop any-time soon either.

    Thanks to Nancy Polisi.


    And minimim wages will go to $10 bucks an hour.


    And, a very large war is about to break out with Iran.

    Read the (drudge report), website.


    Think about it.

  22. It's not bad.  Honestly, any kind of humanitarian work isn't going to pay well.  In the grand scheme of that type of work, you're doing alright.  Good luck!

  23. sounds good to me.

  24. Well if you think it suits you, then it's fine. It really depends on how you feel about the issue, if you think you deserve more, ask. No harm in that!

    Good Luck!

  25. That sounds low to me, but I am a little out of touch.

  26. With a college degree, I'd say 'no'. Without degree 'yes'.

  27. I work a similar job in twin cities, MN, with a little more experience than you have. I am paid ~$15/hour.  I am one of the more senior people on staff. I know that the starting wage is around $12/hr, and that my agency pays in the 85% for similar agencies in our area (that is, we are paid better than most of the other local agencies).  My agency gives "market rate" raises in addition to performance bonuses/raises each year.  Our market rate raise was less than 3% this year, and our performance raises are 1-5% each year.  I can't tell you how that would compare in CA, but it doesn't sound too horrible.

  28. in so ca i would want at least 20.00 hr  other states what you make would be good but not there

  29. it sounds a little less then u should get.

  30. I got paid more working at a public library.

    Group home work is serious stuff. I feel like you deserve more.  

  31. sounds pretty good to me

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