
I Play volleyball and people think im showing off why?

by Guest63659  |  earlier

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I Play volleyball and people think im showing off why?




  1. Whoever is could be jealous if u play better?

  2. u r.  maybe they wouldnt think u r showing off if you telll them they did a nice job or ask them for help on a skill that isnt quite as good as theirs.

  3. maybe you talk about it to much

  4. i dont know why but my guess is.. they think you are cuzz you are playing a game you like... or they are just jealous

  5. Because you are. and you know it. *-*

  6. well, i play too, and if you act like some of the people i have played with before that are errigant and are more focused on being the star rather than being a team member well than i see what others are saying but i can't judge you because i don't know you and well even i have gotten caught up in impressing the crowd and i thought i had to try and do it on my own cause i didn't trust my team and you can't play vball unless you can learn that it aint a  one man show. . .

  7. u r probly good

  8. If you're doing something fancy and s***w up then you're showing off.

    If you're doing something fancy and can repeat it, then you're just good.

  9. cuz you sound coacky.

  10. i don't think u necessarily r trying to show off maybe more just focusing..i mean its not ur fault if ur good u know what im saying lol.i play volleyball im on a suad and pll always think im just trying to b in the spotlight and im not im just better at volleyball than other sports such as basketball an fastpitch though i am good at volleyball,football,skateboarding,dancin... stuff like that :)..just remember its not ur fault if these pll play then they r just jealous!

  11. well are you trying to do certain things during the moments when a lot of people are around or are you just good at volleyball?? Either way somtimes people are just jealous so they say u r showing off



  12. Probably because they're insecure haters.  

    It's very convenient for people with less talent to congregate and criticize something (or someone) they can never be. It's human nature.  You shouldn't have to apologize for being talented.

    Keep striving to better yourself and disregard the negative c**p that other people try to throw your way.

  13. Maybe it's because you done something in the past that was good and now you are trying to do better, so playing volley ball would make others think. You know what I mean?

    For example

    You won class president 2 weeks ago and everybody is mad because they didn't want you to win.

    And now that you are playing volley ball they think you are showing off and are trying to get attention.

    Just ignore it.

  14. i play 2! thats awsome! idk... maybe u really r showing off, but who cares...... ever body shows off when they are good at somethin and they no they are! LOL

    do u play for ur skool?  @ my skool and the places around me, theres only a gurls team

  15. because you probably are.

  16. This is what I call a "Volleyattitude".   It usually happens with players who have intermediate level skills.    Typically, it is the person who is better than the average player with their personal skills, but doesn't yet understand the teamwork that's really needed in order to become a champion.   You're able to see what other players are doing wrong who aren't as good as you are, but you can't really appreciate the other players who are better than you are (the I'm just as good a player as that person attitiude).   If you don't play with people who seem as good as you are, then you need to move your difficulty level up a notch.

    As you get better and realize that there you aren't the best at everything, you learn to specialize and try to become the best at 1 particular thing and then trust and appreciate your teammates for the things that they have specialized in.

    The best way to fix this problem is to play against people who are a lot better than you are.   Cures things very quickly to get spanked without any problems by another team

  17. Because they don't have the skill to play so you're showing off to them.

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