
I REALLY like this girl! how do i know if she likes me back??

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  1. Does she give you signs? Does she talk to you a lot, find excuses to talk to you, smile at you, etc. Give me examples and I'll figure it out.

  2. If she smiles at you a lot, and also if she laughs and spends time talking to you alot.

    then yes she does like you.  

  3. Why don't you be subtle and kinda hint at the fact you like her, but you have to be a bit obvious too!

    Example: A simple "You look really pretty today" but make sure it's not at an awkward moment, then she is aware you look at her like that

    And if you get a positive reaction you know she likes you back

  4. chances are you whould know, ask her freinds. Or dont be a Bush and ask her ur self, if she knew u were on yahoo she whouldnt do anything with u or ur small little mr.

  5. Experts on human mating state that women may display the following signals when they are interested in you:

    1. She blushes in your presence.

    2. She plays with her hair in your presence.

    3. She walks past you more than once. She is trying to get your attention.

    4. She keeps looking at you. She can not take her eyes of you.

    5. She shows some flesh in your presence, like pulling on her collar or lifting up her dress.

    6. She moves closer to you.

    7. Her chest is facing you.

    8. She smiles at you with a full set of teeth; not just the upper row.

    9. She stays near you for most of the night.

    10. Her head tilts slightly down when you look at her; especially if she is blushing at the same time.

    11. Her shoulders are slightly raised when she is talking with you.

    12. Her arms are open and to the side when you talk to her.

    13. Her pupils are enlarged when you make eye contact with her.

    14. She licks her lips in your presence.

    15. Her head is tilted slightly to the side when you talk to her.

    16. She breaks apart from her group of friends to talk to you.

    17. You are with a group of people and she talks to you more often than anyone in the group.

    18. She asks you questions about yourself.

    19. She laughs at all of your jokes.

    20. She says that you are cute. (Obvious)

    21. She tells you something personal about herself.

    22. She compliments one of your clothing items.

    23. She asks for a cigarette or for a light.

    24. She asks for the time.

    25. She makes verbal contact with you before you make verbal contact with her.

    26. She mentions that she is recently out of a relationship.

    27. She says something overtly sexual to you; even if it is in a joking manner.

    28. Her attitude is more playful with you than with other members of the group.

    29. She touches you in any way.

    30. She gives you any kind of compliment.

    Experts on human mating state that women may display the following signals when they are not interested in you:

    1. She has her arms crossed in your presence.

    2. She turns her back to you.

    3. She turns her shoulder to you; i.e. giving you the cold shoulder.

    4. She appears stiff in your presence.

    5. Her legs are tightly crossed in your presence.

    6. She does not make eye contact with you.

    7. She pretends that she does not notice you.

    8. She talks to friends instead of you.

    9. She does not display any emotion when you make your approach.

    10. She clings to her friend when you approach her.

    11. She pretends she is lost in the music when you make your approach.

    12. She does not smile back at you.

    13. Her head tilt is perfectly strait.

    14. She does not raise her shoulders at all when you make your approach.

    15. Her lips are pursed in your presence.

  6. okay well i am a girl so take it from me. i can never tell if a guy likes me. i test the situation by always making cute conversation. like with this one guy for example, we are friends but we flirt. so flirt with her and if she flirts back then she probobly likes you. or she is just a tease. make an effort to compliment her but dont go out of your way to. if you say she is cute or pretty or something and she says something like that back to you, then im sure she likes you. when you are pretty sure or positive she likes you, ask her out! not to just "hang out" on a date. if she excepts, she likes you! if not, well then you know. i hope i helped!

  7. If she makes eye contact that is luring, I would say yes, she likes you.


  9. try talking to her or one of her friends..

    if you dont hang out a lot try asking her if she wants to go to a movie :)

    answer mine please? ***10 points best answer!***;...

  10. has she ever looked at u? Or stared at u? Or maybe noticed u? If yes then she probably might like u.

  11. you got to play it cool and listen and see if she flirts and you just have to not freak out and be cool but hit around the question. AJ is alittle rite!!! LOL

  12. well to tell you the truth the only way you will actually know if she likes you is if you sit down with her and talk to her

  13. [1] take the easy way out just ask her but thats if your used to or dont mind rejection [if she says no]

    [2]if she flirts with you more than "anybody".

    [3]if she tells you lol duhh!!

    [4]or if you have this thing with her that you flirt and act like a couple but dont open your mouth to say you do if you know what i mean:)

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