
I REALLY miss my car.. I was BAWLING earlier?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16, and I've had my license since April 30th. So there's a jeep that's been a part of our familt for 10 years. I've taken so many trips in it, so many rides to the store in it, so many miles... so many memories... with the jeep. it was am AMAZING car. I had a connection with it, I guess.

When I got my license, it was handed over to me. It was the best thing thats ever happened to me. I Joyrided all the time, and just wanted to spend time driving, and being in the car.

I LOVED the car.

However, on Saturday, in the middle of a drive, I totaled the poor thing.

It's worth 4000 dollars, and repairs are 6500. It's gone. My parents will NOT get it repaired. (The damage isn't THATbad.. only the front bumper really... and some engine stuff)

It's now in a salvage yard about 75 miles from home (In the town that I crashed it in.)

I've been crying like crazy. Every song I hear reminds me of the car, and I always tear up. I want it back so badly! I don't think I'll ever get over this.

Help Me!




  1. call the junk yard see how much they will sell it to you for most of the time not much bring it home and put it in your drive way and ask daddy please i have 3 daughters they are 27,25and23 now but they have always had me wrapped around there finger and if he sees it means that much to you i say he will change his mind and get it fixed i know i would  my girls will always be my little girls dads cant help it

  2. if its in a salvage yard, they cant just get it back. the yard now owns it and has probably sold parts off it. just buy another jeep if you like it so much.

  3. A car is not a toy. It's for transportation only. You should have respect for any car.

    Remember a car is a liability not an asset. Treat all exposures to liability with caution. This means not driving your friends around to show off.

    Finely think about your actions. Not the past, your future. You can't change the past but you can change the future.

    Consider the "what if scenario" prior the commencing anything. Make smart logical decisions.

  4. wow, i though only guys treated their cars like friends. i can see why you feel like that. i think the only way to get the car back is to tell your parents how you feel. if they wont get it back, you have to move on and hope that it stays there until you can raise the money to get it fixed. sorry that happened, but theres not much i can do.

  5. ..... It sounds like your mourning a loved relative...... Its a car....... You'll get over it.

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