
I REALLY need help. Depression...

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and I don't know what to do. I think I may have anxiety and/or depression, but I don't know. I often feel mad and overwhelmed. I don't really remember what it feels like to be happy. I get annoyed easily and lash out. When I went to NYC the other day I was freaking out (not in an outrageously conspicuous way) when I was inside a small and crowded cafe. I have trouble sleeping (it takes me 2-4 hours to fall asleep) and for some reason I always feel guilty. I also am lethargic quite often and I don't have much of an appetite. I know why I'm depressed though- my step dad is an alcoholic. Also, I want to get away and live with my father in a different state, but my Mom isn't letting me and my Dad is tight on money now. I don't even think I will be able to visit him in the summer like I've done for the past 8 years. I didn't tell him about my step dad cause my mom didn't want me to. I also miss my friend that live in my Dad's state cause I haven't seen them for a year. If I'm already having issues now, when school starts and I have homework and tests, I'm afraid I'll have an anxiety attack.

By the way I've been like this for the past year but it's getting worse. I was supposed to move in with my Dad last year but my Mom wouldn't let it happen.

And I cannot talk to a therapist. I talked to like 5 in the beginning of the year but my Mom never brought me back because she didn't like what they had to say. And she dismisses my tiredness and everything on my asthma




  1. you need help somehow. it kind of sounds like your mother is in denial. sit her down and tell her you really REALLY need help. if nothing else go to your family doctor and tell them how you feel. they may be able to refer you to a good psychiatrist or psychologist. you may need to be put on a mild form of medication and see if that helps you any. ask your doc about lexapro, it's pretty good. as for living with your father, i think you may need to try to help yourself first. even if you do move there, a lot of your anxieties will probably follow you there as well. and find a good friend or trusting teacher you can talk to! it helps.

  2. Ok mate listen ...

    Im guessing the truth is you cant see a doctor because your mum would have to be there with you... and it would be awkward etc etc if you can however, thats great.

    Im 19 and very depressed also. I have been also for a year and its getting so much worse. All down to a bloody girl! I am going to see someone i think.

    Anyway.... Your mum IS wrapped up in her problems. When your older ull understand... at the end of the day your mum is loved up with ur stepdad who provides income for u all so she's in a tight corner...

    You need to have a serious chat with ur mum mate and, i probs better not swear, so.. show her YOUR SERIOUSSS and the situation is getting severe... the main thing is telling your mum and making sure she  is fully aware. You also need to ring your dad and let it all out.

    You have got some good advice from people on here, take on board what you can mate. You sound grown up and a top guy. Youll be fine.

    Anyway lad if you wna talk feel free mate please..

    e-mail is

    my names luke good luck... take care wish u all the best pal.

  3. if ever you need to talk this is my email:

  4. You sound a lot like my friend who was diagnosed with depression a few months ago. Tell your mom that you need serious help. Jeez, I don't get while your mom won't help you. She might think it's just a phase or teenage angst related. Talk to your mom. Have a serious, honest conversation. It usually takes a long time to find the right therapist. My friend was lucky, though; she found hers on the first try.

    Good luck and stay strong.

  5. Hi abc,

    Yes sounds like you have both anxiety and depression. But dont worry its easily treatable. But first you need to tell your Father EVERYTHING!! Be totally honest with him and tell hem exactly how you feel. EVERYTHING!! That you would be happier with him and your problems at home and how your feeling about depression and the like. If he doesnt have enough money for you maybe you can work when you arrive and help him with bills. Just talk to him asap. Once you take care of big problems in your life your anxiety and depression will subside. Take some melatonin to get some sleep. It works great. its only $3.99 at GNC and is cherry flavor. Its safe like taking vitamin C. Good for you!

  6. talk to your dad. your mom sounds a bit wrapped up in her life and problems. she can't help you until she sorts out some of her stuff. another idea is talking to a school counselor. For sure, you should see your doctor.  

  7. You are at one of the toughest places in life.Somewhere between child and adult. What you can learn to do for yourself is not to take ownership for what others do. You can only take ownership of your own actions or thoughts. For starters, schools have counclers and soon you will be able to see one. Start planning on a summer job next year so at the end of summer before school starts you can pay your own way to see your dad. For me I find a' Happy Place' to help relieve my stress. Maybe it's calling my best friend or singing karoke or I might just read a good book. Remember you can't control stress caused by other people, YOU can control how you let it effect you. God bless and good luck.  

  8. you should go to your gp.. h**l transfer if appropriate

    im  being transfered with the same thing

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