
I REALLY need help with a boy problem! PLEASE!!?

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Crush's Name - Royce

Enemy's Name - Maureen

Other names.........Steph, Briana, MJ

I've known Royce since 4th grade. At the beginning of 5th grade, we talked a lot and I flirted but then his best friend, MJ, started a rumor that he liked me so he got embarrassed and stopped talking to me, but I found a way to get him talking to me again. Of course we didnt talk as much as we used to but its better than nothing. Soon, i found out that I'm in love with him!

Now that 6th grade started he's been ignoring me and he doesn't talk to me as much as he used to before in 5th grade. Then, just today, this girl that I met in 5th grade on the playground, came up to me and told me that she liked Royce, her name is Maureen. My BFF has some classes with Maureen and she told me that Maureen keeps passing notes to her saying that she loves Royce. Maureen also has a lot of classes with royce, me? NONE!! Maureen and Royce's computers are right next to each other's and Maureen sits in front of Royce and she keeps talking to him. Briana, my BFF, is the witness, she told me herself. Royce told me he would date someone philippino cuz he is philippino and so is Maureen. I'm not philippino but I'm still asian. I'm in love with him and Maureen is stealing him away from me and I can't do anything about it cuz I have no classes with Maureen OR Royce.

WHAT THE HECK CAN I DO!!!? I wanna break them up!!!




  1. well u need to talk to Royce and tell him how u feel. if he feels the same way then hey thats great. but right now. he has really no idea how u really feel. I know ur burning inside ... first thing... talk to Royce.... u need to tell him everything u feel. if he doesn't feel the same. .....then as hard as it sounds ur going to have to get over him.... u cant get mad at Maureen and Royce for passing notes... does Maureen even know u like him? just tell him the truth ... and if he gets all weird and stops talking to u ..... then he is not even worth it... u can do much better.  

  2. im just gonna say this,

    i dont care what age you start dating,

    but saying your in love with him?

    oh please.

    your in 6th grade, whats that like 11 years old?

    theres no way you can know that.

    your all just little kids who like making up drama.

    if he likes her and not you then get over it.

    your both little kids.

    nobody cares.

  3. hmmm im itching to say that you don't know what love is but then again i don't even believe that. i just wanna say it because everyone else would tell me that and i never got a chance to say that to anyone before. Anyways. she's a 5th grader. Scientifically less mature that you and royce will grow to see that. if you don't have any classes with him, suck it up and start talking to him again. but be warned. make the conversations interesting and about things he likes. or else he will think you are weird and spread rumors about you. good luck!  

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