
I REALLY need outside opinions about my weight? Help?!?

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OK, I've recently lost quite a bit of weight. This morning when I weighed myself I was a little under 120, like maybe 118-119.

I'm 21, 5'6, a female, and small framed. A lot of my friends are telling me I've gone too far, I'm too skinny, they're worried, etc. Some have even said I looked better at 140-150 pounds. I'm not trying to lose anymore weight, but I think I look good! And I feel good. I do weight training and Pilates so I'm not sickly looking...

Is this too thin?? I'm afraid I have a distorted view of myself now....




  1. get a doctor's opinion.

    are your friends heavier?

    here's why i ask.  i had a friend who went through the same thing. and our quite heavier friend was saying the same thing about the person who lost all that weight.  it could be a jealousy thing.


  3. I think it is ok to looks "skinny" as long as you are eating good food, I mean if you are exercising and eating full meals ... and everything ... then being skinny is not the problem .. you are gonna gain some muscles weight ... !

  4. You are skinny but not too skinny where it is dangerous. Just stay around 130 lbs and you will be good.

    150 lbs is little too much for someone who is 5'6" especially if that weight is coming from body fat.

  5. if your friends say theyre worried, there is a bit cause for this. at 5'6 you should weight about 140 or so, but if youre just athletic and you arent looking to loose weight, just watch yourself. If youre doing so much training you should weight a lot more...muscle will do that. your friends may be right, talk to someone you dont know like a counselor or something that may help you discover if you have an issue with this or not

  6. your about medium-under

  7. As long as you are healthy & not anorexic or bulimic. If you think you look good & you feel good about yourself, I don't think you should gain weight to please your friends. There are plenty of girls that are small framed & thin, look at the models in the Victoria's Secret magazines.  

  8. Well you should weigh 130-155 at 5'6.

  9. I don't believe you're too thin. If you eat healthy and exercise well then there should be no reason why you should view yourself as too thin. As a matter of fact I'm 5"11" and 138 pounds so I'm pretty thin. I've checked up with my doctor and he said I was healthy. I also don't have an eating disorder. In fact I eat more than most people, I eat at least 4 meals per day up to 6. I also eat 15 eggs a week. I'll stop here, don't want to go off on another subject.

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