
I REALLY need some help understanding our government...why on earth do we do this?

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When we helped Japan rebuild after World War II, they have, ever since, beaten the living h**l out of us due to having state of the art factories compared to our dilapidated c**p here in the states. We've never really recovered from that if you consider a global economic position.

Okay, so then I read this article:;_ylt=AlXkfGat1vRE6lo56CPub7T9xg8F

Now I am all for helping a country rebuild, but they have more money than our country could dream I find it hard to stomach when I read how we are going to spend BILLIONS to rebuild Iraq and that Baghdad is willing to match the USA contribution. If anything, our position should be "we'll help you rebuild, but you need to pay for our labor and materials" instead of paying for the privilege of helping them rebuild.

I just don't get it...please...someone explain this insanity to me. Especially when the dollar is already in the toilet...




  1. Good point. America always has to be in the middle of something and making us ourselves look good. Because we're so "powerful". I have always wondered why America got into wars that didn't concern them whatsoever too.

  2. If you read the US Constitution you will find the federal government has never been given any power to give money away.  When the US Government does this it is acting beyond the powers it has been granted by the people.

    Pay attention, most of what the US Government now does is unconstitutional, read the constitution.

  3. America has a long history of doing this c**p.  We helped rebuild Germany, too.  The reasons I *think* we do this is because we blow the c**p out of a country to prove we are badass, and then go in and rebuild it to A) prove we are just that much more badass, and B) in hopes the world won't think we're a bunch of *****.

    Well, when I say *we* I mean the politicians.  Unfortunately, donating money and labor to rebuilding a country that we destroyed doesn't seem to make the world want to forget anymore.  It's a bad situation, because people forget the whole reason we're in this situation is because of 9/11, and the reason the government wants to bring democracy into Iraq is because they're afraid that if they don't the bad guys will get into power again and something like 9/11 will happen again.

    And people say "oh, but Osama lives in the mountains and has no home and they have nothing because we destroyed it all, etc, they are no threat to us anymore."  but the poorest of the poor can still get access to nuclear weapons, and I think that's what the government's afraid of.

    Well, in general.  I still think Bush is a dumb monkey and probably has plenty of rotten agendas that he's using Iraq to support.  And while I do believe that we shouldn't be in Iraq in the first place, and if we ARE going to destroy a country, we should leave it like that, because if the tables were turned you can bet they wouldn't be over here rebuilding our country, I do also believe that there is a legitimate fear of terrorists coming back into power and attempting another attack on American soil.

    If not, then why the h**l can't I fly in peace or talk on the phone without wondering who's listening?!?

  4. The reason we even get into these wars anyway is because of the Federal Reserve. You see, the federal reserve is a private company that prints the currency for the United States government out of thin air. The US government borrows this money with immediate interest. SO the more money the U.S. government borrows, the more money the owners of the Federal Reserve (Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan etc.) make. War requires the  U.S. government to borrow the most money than anything else. SO thee most profitable action for the federal reserve, is to go to war because it forces the US to borrow money WITH interest.

    As to why we help them reconstruct, is because we are trying to establish a democracy in these countries. So we (a democracy) have to make ourselves look good. If none of the Arabs like us, they surely won't let themselves get forced into accepting our government.

  5. You're completely wrong on all of this.  The United States has the highest Gross Domestic Product in the world, while Japan generally ranks two or three, depending on the measurements.  On a per capita basis, the United States ranks around tenth, while Japan ranks around twentieth.  Japan has become highly specialized in technology, but the United States still produces much more in terms of overall industry.

    In regards to helping Iraq rebuild, I believe it's mostly a "you broke it, you buy it" situation. We can't really invade and occupy a nation and NOT take a major role in rebuilding.  Iraq also isn't really in any position in terms of technology or resources to rebound in the way Japan has.

  6. Let us learn some lessons from History, shall we?

    - WW I : we beat up Germany, then basically made them paupers after the war with "reparations"...guess what? The citizens got resentful ( it wasn't THEM making the war, it was the government ), and they were economically stifled and scientifically repressed by the "democratic" countries, so Hitler rose to power on the premise that he'd get respect back for the German people and country.

    - WW II : We beat up Germany AGAIN, but this time, we helped the citizens, not just of Germany, but also Japan. Guess what? They're our "friends" now, and don't shoot missiles, rockets, grenades, etc. at us anymore. We must have learned something in 23 years...

    - Fade to the 1980's : Ronald Reagan outspent the USSR, broke their backs economically, their government collapsed, but we didn't help them out to transition to a Democracy ( shades of Germany a la WW I again ). So, now it's either the Russian Mafia or remnants of the KGB running things. Are we better off now for NOT helping them?

    Bottom line is, while we should NOT have to help other countries, it is in our best INTERESTS to help them, otherwise, they don't just fall into a neat and tidy Democracy, it has to be learned. The USA took years to mature into one, it wasn't overnight. We had an advantage in that we were oceans away from other sea powers, and could fight them effectively because 1) they were distantly provided for, even though the USA was in a primitive state, and 2) we had the courage and motivation to strive for freedom. A VERY unique situation as far as most colonial colonies are concerned. One reason the USA is the most powerful, most hated, most copied nation in the world due to our success. And if we want other countries to think the way we do ( freedom for everyone ) and not just have a government tell us what to do ( Washington DC government denying guns to honest citizens but criminals get free rein with them however they please), then we need to be proactive in helping them overcome lifetimes of repression and control ( Hey, DC, give the PEOPLE their rights! Not just the criminals you can't catch and are afraid to confront ). Oh, wait, we have the RIGHT to bear arms...maybe the citizens should rise UP and TAKE back control from the government and police (Baaaa! Baaaa! Nah, too much like sheep now ).

    Anyway, that's the small history lesson. Learn anything?

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  7. One world government

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