
I Recently did a fencing job using cement to set the posts. Client claims that the cement has discoloured his

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Recently did a fencing job using cement to set the posts. Client claims that the cement has discoloured his brown colour concrete path. I offered to paint it but he claims that the colour was mixed into the concrete and will not accept painting. There are signs of fading in the concrete. Can you help? I do not understand how the cement can impregnate the concrete especially as we washed it off the same day. Any suggestions how to fix it.





  1. Not a good scenario

    Integral colored concrete will absorb anything just like regular concrete.So bottom line is yes it is now stained,sounds like he has you over a barrel.I trust this is a lesson learned,always cover objects with plastic.

    As for a fix?.I would be tempted to try liquid color from home depot/lowe's and dilute a small batch and try a "very" small spot with a small brush to if it will color in.Beyond that acid staining is your only other option,not fun but doable.You just need him to sign off on it.Remember you may have to stain the whole walk to get an even application.

    You will probably need to seal it after done,no biggie.Just follow the directions.Also sealing needs to be done every year to protect concrete,this owner probably didn't.

    Just some thoughts from a concrete contractor

    Good Luck

  2. Get in contact with a licensed contractor and talk with them about it.  

  3. hopefully he has paid you as you can do no more than offering the paint repairs and the new cement paints are quite incredible. All you can do is keep asking and offering politely as you have only done the fence in the normal way. Perhaps you could take a block of painted concrete and he may be happier with the result so good luck but remember to be polite.

  4. I'd try pressure washing it. If not, they make concrete stain.

  5. The company who laid the concrete path have not sealed it properly. If sealed properly nothing should penetrate concrete paths, patios or drives. I dropped a whole can of gloss paint on my neighbours concrete front patio.. the whole lot washed off with soap and water. There is not a trace of paint to be seen.

    Getting the company who laid the original concrete path to admit it is not sealed properly is another thing!

  6. I would try etching and repainting the concrete. It'd probably be the best way to salvage the project. You can get phosphoric acid or an equivalent at any hardware store or pool supplies center. You have to wear chemical resistant gear, though, as it is VERY caustic.  

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