
I Rejected a girl , and now I REALLY regret it!?

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hey whats up , Im going to try and keep this short.

At my college I met this girl who is really attractive , and very lady like. I never dated someone like that , I usually just have one night stands. This girl offered to give me a ride to school one night, then she held my hand and pretty much told me she likes me , and I said I am poor have no job , or time to give her a relationship, and then I just like ran out of the car lol , I was very intimidated too. Because I fell she is waaaaaay better looking than me and I am a bum. Now I have a new decent job , and want to ask her out , but she HATES me and tells everyone I think Im cocky, and she denies what happened in the car that day, what should I do? Just give her some time to chill?




  1. Explain that to her...or get over it.

  2. she is a ***** and is up herself you should find someone who likes you and treats you right  

  3. Dude.

    You freaked her out -- so shock and awe her.

    Plead, come up to her and just look how you feel.

    Which should be very sorry and very very very scared

    she will hate you. So just look pathetic and hurt.....

    But ask her nicely and calmly if she would please

    just talk with you for a few minutes. Talk to her and bring

    up how you freaked out in the car that one night. Tell

    her you're very sorry about what happened and that you

    freaked out.

    Just be honest with her and say you didn't feel like you

    were up to par, or that you were even worth her time.

    This is where your actual feelings come into play, dude.

    If you like her then tell her that -- Look straight into her

    eyes and tell her that you like her. Be just as upfront with

    her as she was with you and show her that she's very

    important to you.

    But make sure you actually care about her -- the last thing you need to be doing is sending out false information to women just to get some action.

  4. Most guys only feel they can get with a pretty girl if they have a fat wallet.  Yeah you did mess up when you were poor.  MOST guys in college are poor as dirt.   She was the hottie who intimidated all the guys and she was essentially grabbing you by the shirt collar and trying to force herself on you.  You MESSED UP now she probably got a guy who had confidence and hit on her.  Or her shirt collar method worked on another guy.  But hey there really are not enough males to go around by far.  Now you have to do the talk and run thing.  You say hi and that's it...  You WAIT until you see her again in passing in a situation where there is NO WAY you could have planned it.  Say hi and smile ONLY if she says hi.  This only works if she has your number.  WOMEN love attention and NEED attention, you give he a little only when you see her in this NO WAY you could have planned it moment.  Once she see's your not giving her attention and she wants your attention (almost always) she will CALL YOU!!! You be casual and DON'T make plans and hang up as soon as you can without making her feel your trying to get rid of her.  THEN you NEVER call her till she does this a few times.  WOMEN WANT TO BE CHASED its programed in and you WANTING TO CHASE WOMEN is programed in to.  But you have to chase with a chess strategist's game plan..

  5. never assume, guys will always assume and then regret it, try to gain her attention, write her short notes telling her you were scared that night to tell her how you really felt

  6. seriously, TELL HER THIS! That's the only way you'll get a classy lady like herself to maybe give you a chance. If a girl is being courteous and gets rejected like that, she feels as if she was being disrespected but if she knows the TRUTH about how you thought you weren't good enough, she'll definitely be more understanding and could possibly change her mind.

    remember, girls like her don't care about looks. She obviously liked you more than any superficiality. If it was all about looks, then she wouldn't ask you out, right? (sorry, you said she was "waaay better looking"?) She probably fell in love with your heart... which is way more than looks could give :)

  7. give it time but the damage may be done next time try being more honest shhe more than likely would of understood if she's as great as you say she is :)

  8. mmm yeah say byebye

  9. Forget about her and find some new girl. Man there is something called self respect. you can't go after someeone who think you are cocky. You rejected her because you never wanted her and these day you are feeling alone because you are not seeing any other girl.

    Just enjoy your one night stand

  10. Give her time and ask her out if you really regret it that much. You may just need to tell her what you told us.

  11. next time maybe more luck for you my man:P

  12. awwwww, :(

    this is soo cute.

    ohkay- getting to the point.

    ihoneslty think that you should ask her to take some

    time &talk to you about something important.

    -then when you get the chance,

    spill your heart out<3 &tell her how you feel.

    let her know that you really find her attractive and

    you thought she was to good for you, or whaaatevers.

    &just let her know that it was your mistake.

    hope ihelpeed:) goodluck.

  13. Tell her this.  

  14. Past is past. It is over.

    Forget and go ahead.

    Time is the solution.

    Money is a necessity in life.

    Even girl is selfish and she comes with more expectations.

    You need money to meet her demands including yours.

    If you remain starved for two days, you forget everything including love.

  15. Your best bet is to just go up and tell her how you feel. Girls love when guys show that they do have emotions. Just ask her if may speak with her for a moment off to the side. Tell her that you know she is out of your league but you would really like if she gave you a change. If she is as special as you make her seem even if she isn't ready for you to talk to her, then wait on her.

  16. talk to her silly!if shes good enough for you she'll understand and forgive you.=)

    i hope this helps a little!

  17. try to comfort her.

    tell her you were freaked out previously.

    but now you realised you need her becos u love her.

    you were afraid that you aren't good enough for her.

    tell her why you are afraid you aren't good enough for her.

    then give her time to think

    she will then realise somehow.

  18. talk to her in private and just explain everything to her

    if she's lady like like you say she is, she'll understand.

    good luck! (:

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