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I have treated my yard and my puppy and still have a few fleas please help!!!!




  1. I'm a dog groomer and we recommend frontline to all of our clients. Frontline will only kill the flea when it bites your pet it WILL NOT keep fleas off your puppy. Treating the yard is a huge thing people don't think to do but I would also recommend washing the pups bedding, anything he sleeps on and also stuffed toys. Flea larva can live in carpets too so you need to get a powder or spray for your house. Be sure to read everything you use, some things are not meant to be used around young pups, children or you must keep them away for a certain amount of time. The frontline will kill the fleas once they bite unless... you are overrun with fleas or your pet gets wet within three days after it is applied.  

  2. Do not dip your dog!!!! Frontline is the best option but if you are seeing live fleas ask your vet for a product called Capstar. It kills live fleas instantly though it has no residual effect.

    Also do not treat your house with stuff from WalMart or the Pet Store. Wash all your bedding including your dogs, plus his toys. If you have carpet vacuum the house really good and throw out the bag. If you still think you have fleas look into having someone treat your house. We have a place called FLEABUSTERS that is awesome. You can also buy their vet approved product and treat the house yourself. I would give that a go.

    Finally. Are you seeing live fleas? Make sure with a flea comb cause often dogs will remain itchy after being bitten. It could be the fleas are dead but your dog is still itchy. Look with the flea comb for actual fleas or flea dirt which is tiny dark red balls. If there are neither present you don't have a flea problem anymore.  

  3. it depends on when you gave the frontline it takes 24 hours for it to really start working if you wanted immediate results you should ask for a capstar those should start getting rid of them within a half an hour or you could try giving your dog a flea bath

  4. A flea comb is a good way to get the fleas off the puppy. You can also treat the inside of your house in case the fleas are breeding in the carpet.

  5. i would say he is getting them from some place,or some other animal that he is in touch with...just treat them again..good luck

  6. That's because you have to treat your whole house too. Go to any store like walmart or whatever, they sell stuff that you can spray on your carpet and furniture. Wash all your bedding. And literally go over your dog with a fine toothed comb to pick all the nits out. Or whatever they call baby fleas.

  7. He needs to be dipped...not treated with frontline.  

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