
I STOPPED CUTTING... how will people react to my cutting scars?

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i dont cut anymore

ive been through therapy and learned to love myself

but i have permanent scars..

how will people react?

i feel so guilty i feel like i cant be myself in front of people because of my scars!






  1. I am glad you are healthy now and no longer cut and self-harm.  Well done!  Give yourself a hug.

    People react in different ways.  Some may ask questions, which I feel is rude.  Others will ignore them.  

    Be confident nevertheless.  You've come out a winner.  Remember that.  

    Btw, I believe there are laser treatments that can help remove scars or lessen their appearance.  Ask your doc about them if they bother you alot.  

  2. i am not trying to be rude or anything.. but why do people cut? and if you are worried about the scars being unattractive, why werent you worried about the bloody scabs?

  3. Some people will respond as folows: "EWWWWW !!!  HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?" so come to expect this, occasionally, and have a suitable reply rehearsed.

    Maybe along the following lines: "Well, I was younger then, and was going through some very difficult times, emotionally, and didn't know any better ways to cope. But I'm far more mature now, and have learned effective strategies, and have multiple resources to access, which mean that I don't have to do it, anymore." Or compose your own.

    Section 16, on self harm, at provides options on scarring, as well as advice on helping self harmers address their problem.

    Go to section 11, and pages C & I, in section 2, at ezy build, and practice one of the relaxation methods shown, which will enable you to emotionally centre yourself, and be less concerned with the opinions others may have.

    A variant of EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety, is shown in section 42, on page i.  I have found that the 2 - 3 minutes spent using the EMDR markedly reduces distractions to the relaxation process, and is repaid many times over.

  4. I say s***w anyone who doesn't like you because of cutting scars. They aren't worth your time and effort. And wear your short sleeved shirts with pride.... Those scars represent where you came from and how far you have come. Those scars helped to make you the sweet, confident and happy person you are today. Way to go! I really admire you, cutting is really addicting and hard to overcome, I wish I was as strong as you!

  5. Good for you! That you stopped cutting. Its awesome your learned love yourself. Thats what people should do too. If they love you, for you. They wouldn't care about your cuts.  

  6. Firstly I'd like to say good on you for stopping!! I can't begin to imagine how hard life was and may still be for you.

    Don't worry about what ppl think about your scars, I am 40 and have had to have all of my teeth removed 6 yrs ago, I wear dentures but I now do not care what ppl think, it matters WHAT I THINK and it definately matters what YOU THINK, if you have to wear longe sleeves then thats cool, wear tshirts at home! You MUST believe in yourself and if ppl cannot accept you for you and what you've been through in your lifetime then that is 'their' problem, not yours!!

    GOOD LUCK and be proud of yourself and happy too:)))  

  7. Ive got scars and tattoos and used to be self-conscious about it because of the jobs that I have, but now, I dont care what others think.  

    I have a scar from accident on my upper thigh but I still wear swimming togs and people can see it, but thats too bad cause I like swimming.

    So get used to wearing the scars and just chalk it up to experience.  At least you can help other people who are cutting and say to them that youve lived through it, so can they.

  8. There probably gonna react the same way if you did cut yourself still. The scars will fade as you get older in life depends on how bad they are. For now I suggest covering them up so you dont get teased about it and called names.

  9. Ok i had the exact same probelem, im a 13 year old girl and i cut LOTS without anyone knowing and then when it came time to take my sweater off i almost cried because i thought people would say somthing and i dont know i just thought the worst but TRUST me no body will say anything exept for a couple really close people to you like my grandma knew right away when i started wearing sweaters ever day of the week and my mom found out when we went swimming and she made me take off it and then practicly everyone seen them when i had to go to the hospital for taking a bottle of pills and no one said nothin

    JUST GET OVER IT AND SHOW YOUR SCARS it took me like 4 months to finaly wear a t-shirt its way a few people looking at your arms is better than trying to hide it from them just be smart and get it over with and just wear a short sleeve believe me i have permanent scars too all the way up and down my arms but now i wear a t-shirt exept for around a couple special people to me but yeh

    hope i helped

  10. whether or not to wear long sleeves for the rest of your life is really up to you..I used to be a cutter myself and i refuse to cover my scars, yes i get starred at sometimes but it doesn't bother me.

    If people ask about my scars i just honestly tell them i used to cut but i got help and don't do that anymore

    In my experience i have found that most people are not mean or judgmental at all

  11. They are your battle scars:) Be proud you got through this alive and well.Who cares what anyone thinks! You're beautiful XD

  12. I think you'll find people are more understanding than you'd expect.  Instead of explaining to people that "you used to be a cutter", look at it as you've overcome a serious problem, and those scars are proof of your victory.  

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