
I SWEAR i have fat legs and a huge booty...?

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What do I do to make them thinner in like a week?HELP!!




  1. thats not really possible  u have to work out and keep going at your ideal weight and youll look thinner but it deffinitly wont take a week

  2. Work Out- targeting lets and butt.

    Eat Healthy- make sure you stay away fatty foods and dressings.

    THINK POSITIVE! Maybe guys like your butt. Haaha. But maybe it's true.

  3. You mean thick thighs and a badunkadunk. Men like meat on their bones you know. And you cant make them thinner in a week. IT takes time and you have to work out.

  4. No way hun.

    You needl ike 6 months

  5. Thighs and Booty are nothing to complain about honey!! Guys love it!! LOL.  But if you really want to slim them down , try sweat shorts .  You can get them from Walmart or Target.  They're shorts that actually cover from the top of your knee all the way to underneath the b*****s.  They cause you to sweat more in that hip and thigh area so you can slim down.    It looks like a wet suit. You can't miss them....

  6. i find that s**y but ifyou want to change that then turn that into muscle

  7. You can get them a little thinner by doing cardio to burn fat and eating healthier and less calories.  There are also treatments you can get at spas if you have the money.  They involve tightening the skin (if you get some kind of cream and wrap treatment) or shocking the muscles in tighten them.  Results last about ten days.

  8. run

  9. i know you don't wanna hear it...or read it but there are no quick fixes. you're gonna have to eat a lot leaner and exercise.

  10. Well first off your not going to see the results you want i one week. Try a low card, low calorie diet, and cardio 3-5 times a week. You should see great results. Also you can do the more expensive route- liposuction. It can be costly, but if you have the extra dough to spend then go for it. Good luck

  11. In a WEEK? Forget it. Exercise daily and let the weight come off as part of a long-term goal. Sorry.

  12. r u sure ut nt anorexic

  13. Go for a run in the mornings. Do some intense sprinting in short, fast bursts if you can. Try cycling or swimming. Skipping for 15 to 20 minutes at one go will also help in losing weight and toning your legs and lower body area more.

    Exercise at least 3 times a week. Alternate days or even more if you can or as time permits.

    Drink Green Tea 1/2 an hour to an hour before working out; helps to burn more fat during any exercises. Eat smaller but more frequent meals every 2 to 3 hours; helps in your digestion and you retain less of it. Sleep earlier and wake up earlier to jump start your metabolism each day.

    Please don't go on some stupid diet that will only mess up with your metabolic rate in the end.

    One week is WAY too short to see any results at all. Give yourself around 2 to 3 months at the very least. Perhaps more.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Time will give you the results you want.

  14. Me too im 170

    and thick as h**l

    try dieting hard for like two weeks at least and i promise youll see results.

    eat about 500 cals a day and workout  

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