
I Seuchin Kata for Ishinru Karate hard???

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I am a yellow belt in Karate and I am wondering if Seuchin Kata is as hard as it looks...




  1. Seuchin is the second kata, it's not that hard but all katas are hard untill you know them. It has a pattern.

  2. Actcually as far as the techniwues in it, it is  a combination of hard and soft. It was originaly from Goju-Ryu.

    As for learning it, yes learning the pattern and to do the moves correctly is difficult. Learning what you are doing in it with each motion, on a basic level. and then practicing them with a resisitant partner is even harder.

    Mastering it is extremly hard and will take a long time, if ever. remember everything gets easier with practice, and so will it.

  3. It gets easier with practise thats all, just practise

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