

by Guest65650  |  earlier

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haunted omg the light keeps comming on and off stuff keeps on falling and i keep hearing this knocking noise at night but theres nobody there and sometimes the door opens or close by itself my mom also thinks the house is haunted and all of a sudden glass just shatter and broke and the mirror fell down. What should i do?




  1. MOVE from the house!! Trust ME!! SELL IT and GET ANOTHER 1!!

    srry bout the caps


  2. yeah don't make him angry. if you are nice and it is still doing scary things (like windows breaking or things being thrown) get help. but if it just lights flickering or simple stuff just get used to it i suppose, unless you really want it gone.

    sometimes its nivce to think of them as gaurdians

  3. Call a priest!!!! Creepy

  4. email a spirit professional and explain them your problem. they will come to your house and investigate. btw, do you know the history on your house,past residents,how old it is?? That might be helpful.

  5. trust on ur heart believe there nothing will shock u

  6. Say out loud, "No one is welcome here. Go away NOW. We don't want you here. Leave." I hope your problems get solved. :) Also, you can say out loud about how nice everyone in Heaven is and how the ghosts would love it there. Describe what you think Heaven is like (if you believe in Heaven) out loud while you are trying to go to sleep---not only does it make you feel like it helps, it also helps calm your fears and makes you fall asleep. :)

  7. yeah it could be haunted. if itr really bothering you, tell it to leave. tell it to stop disturbing your family, and leave you guys alone.

  8. omg well casper is pretty freindly lol

  9. You can burn white sage and walk around to let the smoke go through the entire house.  This has a cleansing effect and is know to get rid of bad spirits and energy. This is an old Indian custom and a lot of incense store have white sage. It's pretty cheap and does have a nice smell.

    Also, I have personally found that announcing that YOU are the ones that live here now and no one else belongs here works. Do this when something odd happens near you and speak as if you're talking to who or whatever is causing the disturbance.

    You have to be the Alpha Dog in the situation.

  10. Move.

  11. Whenever I'm scared of my house being haunted or something, I think of all the dead ancestors I have that are protecting me.

    They're the only spirits around now.

    Most of my ancestors and tough vikings, they'll fight off anything!

  12. well you never know it maybe but if it is,the spirits in your house are probably trying to tell you something.Like that this is there home or trying to tell you what happened to then.It may sound weird but try to make peace with them talk to them tell them that this is your house now,and your not tryinh to hurt them you want to help them.

  13. dance around the house naked while singing

  14. call the exterminator, sounds like squirrels, or maybe mice, but squirrels are more into chewing electrical wires.

  15. Tell the ghosts (spirits) that it is your house and they are not welcome.  Tell them they need to leave right now.

    You need to be loud and forceful with this!

    do with with your mom.

  16. Totally cool.  You should seek a local club that deals with the supernatural and ask them to come over for a sleep over and investigate. it'll be really educational and then you can relax I mean you can relax after you find out it's a good ghost and all.  Hopefully......

  17. the light could be a bad bulb or faulty electicity, and the knocking noise could be the door opening and closing from AC. or maybe you have pests... idk call a priest

  18. eek! that's creepy!

    hopefully if there is a ghost,

    it won't hurt you or anything.


  19. woah cool!  well not for u... look up like psychics or w/e online to see if they can get rid of it for u =]

  20. Be nice to the ghost.


  22. id go to extemes on this 1 and MOVE!!!!

  23. Call Ghostbusters.

  24. breathe now remember its not real

  25. You should move house if its really scaring you!!;...

  26. Well, Sylvia Brown says to tell the spirits that they need to leave because this is your house now and they don't live there anymore.  I have no experience with it so I don't know if it really helps!

  27. Well do a little investigation. The lights may be coming on and off because of a problem with a wire or the fuse box. Ask some one who is good with electric equipment. The knocking may be the result of an AC or the house simply settling. The doors may have broken door jam, try testing the doors. Try slamming the door shut as hard as you can, if the door opens the door jam is broken. Also see if the door opens easily, it may be some one passing by too fast the their force opening the door. Okay the mirror one can be tircky, try to see if anything was loose or if something came un done for the glass to come off.

        If you have proven all of these wrong then here is also what you can do. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO A SEANCE. They can let things in that can be even worse for your house and family. If you have a video camera or a voice recorder then you can do this. Go around the house and ask questions. For example "who are you?", "What do you want?", etc. Do this every night for about three days to a week. You can contact the ghost or entitie, see if its hostile or not. You can also tell the ghost to go away, in a firm strong voice, tell it to leave (that worked for me). If that doesn't work. talk to a pastor to bless the house. If worse comes to worse call some investigators like TAPS that can help you. Good luck, hope it all goes well.

    PS try not to aggrivate the ghost, you don't know what it could do and be very careful.

  28. everyone is believes something different. For me i Smudge my house once a month to keep the negative energies and spirits away. Its an old Indian tradition. Here is a little about it.

    some people use holy water to bless the house, some use crystals. Be nice and think positive thoughts. unless things get worse and someone is actually getting hurt i would think positive. try to relax

  29. hopefully your realigious and god will protect you if not well all i can say is runnnn and sell the house !!

  30. call batman to kick the ghosts ***!

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