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What do you think?




  1. i disagree but different people have different opinions

  2. Too bad he's not a horse? ...

    I actually find his looks charming.

    But, everyone has different opinions.

  3. hahaha.

    that was unexpected.

    i think he's cute,

    but that's just my opinion.

    you're allowed to have your opinion. :)

  4. I think why is it that every corner i turn or everywhere i go the jonas brothers are always mentioned or hannah montana ughh well Joe is hott lol but yea other then that i could care less for nick  

  5. I agree with you 3402676543673456%

    Although, all of the Jonas Brothers are ugly. :)

  6. I THINK THAT NICK JONAS IS... something i don't really want to think about OR someone you shouldnt be asking about if you think he is an ugly horse...(lol horse)

  7. Uhm ...  I know people that feel the same why as you ,

    I personally think that he is quiet attractive   ;)

    But I would never obsess over him ,

    or any of them .

  8. Which end of the horse are you referring to??  J/K

  9. Little crazy @$$ fan girls listen up, this is what i think:

    1) My acting coach know them, and so does my brothers bestfriend, (cody linley).

    2) He looks like a squirrel.

    3) He has literally no personality, and don't give me that "OMJ!!!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! YOUR THE NE WHO LOOKS LIKE A SQUIRREL! NOT NICK! HE HAS WAY MORE OF A PERSONALITY THEN YOU DO!!!!" just don't give me any of that S**t.

    personally, i think he whines way to much. sometimes it's super cute, but other times it just makes me want to turn off the radio. Jonas brothers would be way better if nick didn't sing. and don't give me "NICK CAN TO SING!!!!!!! HE SINGS WAY BETTER THEN YOU!!! YOUR JUST JEALOUS!  THINK IT'S s**y WHEN HE DOES THAT WITH HIS VOICE!" yeah, uhm no it's not, you haven't heard me sing, and last time i checked, none of you that will give me a thumbs down have an agent. yeah didn't think so.

    i'm so sick of this nick jonas BS.


  10. I AGREEEEEEEEEE!!!!! haha ugliest horse in the world(lol made me laugh)

    Im tired olf disney stars!

  11. I agree completely. I feel bad for his diabetes. But here's a picture of him. This is, I think, his best picture.:

  12. An ugly horse, with an outrageous Jew-Fro.

  13. I wouldn't say the UGLIEST.  That's Paris Hilton, he's decent looking.  But overrated.

    The ugliest guy in the world is Alex Ferguson, oh god I despise Man Utd.  Not because I dont like them but becuz Ronaldo is in there and that just makes the team overrated.  I'll make a bet with anyone that once Ronaldo leaves Man Utd for whatever club he's interested in, Man Utd's fans, particualry the female fans will be like "Manchester what?!"


  14. i dont agree....

    i think hes a cutie

    but joe

    is s**y(:

  15. Agreed

  16. So is your attitude.  

  17. 1. He's the hottest human ever.

    2. I dislike Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato a lot, do I go out on random sites to cause trouble by being like OH THEY R RETARDED AND LOOK LIKE MONKIES!?!!? Well, not really, I might say they are not gorgoues and when I'm with my friends we will make fun of them, and then I will point out reasons besides their looks. I don't judge on looks your obviously one of those people so get a life.

    Mess with Jonas, mess with me, mess with a billion screaming fan girls, and mess with BIG ROB! Now, I bet you won't wanna do all that

  18. I disagree with you. but this is my opinion

    Alexis :)

  19. Hey! Horses are cute =/ I dont find him attractive. At all. Then again I do fancy Marilyn Manson thats probably why....

  20. A Scrub

  21. Everyone has there own opinions xD

  22. I think he needs a haicut!

  23. i wouldn't say horse ugly, but i'm not crazy for him like most girls my age.  

  24. Pshh. ONLY Nick?

    Its more like all three of them!

  25. Ehh....I think he's cute but I don't really care because it's my opinion. People have their own opinions. I would be careful about the CRAZY fans if I were you. They're scary. lol

  26. thatz random.

    i actually think dat nick is cute, with his curly hair.  

  27. wow...harsh

  28. I think he is irrelavent but some chics are psychos

    take a look at this

  29. I think he's cute...not gorgeous but he's cute.

    I think it's kinda of rude of you to say he's the "ugliest horse in the world"...

    Everyone has different tastes. Get over it. You're probably just jealous.

  30. I think he's hot. I LOVE the Jonas Brothers, but even though I totally love him I do think he is the least attractive Jonas Brother.

    I'm sick of hearing how ugly Kevin is and how hot Nick is.

    Kevin is hotter! I'm sorry, but HE IS!

    All you homophobe's who hate Kevin Jonas, please realize... HE'S NOT g*y!!!

    Then again, everybody's entitled to an opinion.

    I love all The Jonas Brothers... But the truth had to be spoken sometime.  

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