

by Guest66678  |  earlier

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Hers the situation, I wassleeping with a friend, friends with benefits situation, actually he was more of a guy i used to date than a friend, Anyway he is a really good looking guy and talented.,

I decided he would be a great father, he is 26 so hes old enough as well i am 24.

So i invited him over on the days i was ovullating, and after a few months of doing this ,having s*x with no protection i actually got pregnant. I do feel a little bad because i did tell him i was on the pill.

So anyway I told him that i must have missed a pill or something, anyway at first he was totally freakedout but now wants to be the father and hekp with this in every way.

one of my friends told me this was wrong of me to do , but the way i see it is that there now is going to be this beautifil baby in the world that wouldnt have been there .

I have a great job and could raise this child without him its just a bonus that he wants to be there. What do you guys think?




  1. The ends do not justify the means. you were wrong from the start. You should let him know you wanted a baby so bad you didn't care how you got it. If he still wants to be a part .. great, but if you really just wanted to be pregnant a sperm bank would have been the right way. He feels guilty and tries to do the right thing and all you can say is BONUS..What a selfish thing to do to him.. you need to find out why you are so bankrupt in empathy especially for someone you are intimate with. You sound like you have some personality disorder you may need to get diagnosed.

    Personally I hope he does find out, then sues you for sole custody and wins so you can pay child support and the child can have a more mentally stable custodial parent because your ability to foresee consequences is broken and so is your reasoning.

  2. Evil, manipulative, rationalizing -- you sound just like my wife!

    Find him hanging from a noose some day if you marry.

  3. well you are totally in the wrong. but your pregnant now and both parents want the baby, even though one of those parents dont know the circumstances under which the baby was conceived. i think you better hope the friend that knows what you done can keep a secret.

  4. This is very sad. I have sympathy for your child. You, on the other hand, are selfish. Do you realize what you did to this man? You'll have to live with this lie for the rest of your pregnancy or life, until you tell him. I wouldn't be surprised if the tables turned on you. I'm sure your baby will be the most beautiful thing. Why couldn't you wait? Why couldn't you find the love and the support you want? No, you found a friend with benefits. You pushed life on him. "What goes around, comes around." Remember that. You are twenty-four and type like a thirteen year old. Just this question itself shows your maturity.


  5. How dare you.

    Are you aware that he is legally and financially responsible for that baby, whether you want him there or not? What if he doesn't want to be a father, and is only coming to terms? He is now, due to your dishonesty. You may have, essentially, ruined his life. You will end up having to tell him some day, it may even just slip out. Then what will happen?

    Fact is, you lied about something seriously life changing. That is quite despicable.

  6. You are a failure to man kind and women every where.

  7. You are going to feel more and more guilty about this, and the longer you keep it from him, the more he will resent you when he finds out, and he WILL find out. Worse part of it is, he could end up resenting the child because of your selfish actions.

  8. i would also tell him before he finds out and wants nothing to do with u or the might make enough money to raise a baby but thats not fair to the honest or ur going to have a misrable pregnancy


    You need to tell him!

    What you have done to this man is immoral. If he wanted to be with you and have a baby then he would have. But for you to have tricked him you have taken his choices and his life away!

    You should really seek counselling!

  10. well you no the answer  but bit to late  now  ain't it  good farther wont to no the child  he shud wear condoms

  11. You are selfish to think of your own pleasure. While you have all the legal rights to have a baby, you selected the wrong way.

    Hope you are fine and happy but think of the poor child .Do you know the nickname of such a child?

    Kindly please do not repeat this again.

  12. Disgusting ...that's the only thing i can so NO matter how YOU try and justify yourself !

  13. The truth will always come out.

    And when yours does, you will regret this whole thing with every inch of yourself.

    This is a despicable thing to do.

  14. You know what you did was wrong, and eventually, it will catch up with you.

      I hope the child you bring into the world gets his/her sense of values from the father....

  15. That is very very wrong. I do not care how you sugar coat it you lied to someone you called a friend you obviously can not be trusted. Secondly you child deserves to have a full time father not just a piece on the side that comes around every now and then. Shame on you, you are playing with fire and when your fingers get burned don't expect symphathy from anyone else.

  16. are u stupid?This was your friends with benefits guy he just wants s*x why would u dare even try to get prego with him or have a baby with him. U know he dont want a relationship let alone kids!U will be really lucky if he takes care of the baby!Tricking a guy into anything is never a good idea and who said u know he could find out of what u did!I dont know what to tell u cause i dont want to get violated on yahoo answers!

  17. You will pay for the things that you do.........

  18. Well, the fact that you feel bad should be a bit of a red flag, HOWEVER, I don't feel that you've done anything so horrible as people are making it sound. Remember, he wasn't using protection either. If he was an 17 year old boy coming on this asking for advice becuase he got his GF pregnant more than HALF of you would say 'well dumb ***, you should have used a these age, tsk tsk tsk'. But because he's older then a 'silly teen' the poor guy has been 'massivly wronged'? I don't think so, everyone knows the pill is not 100% effective (even less if you stop taking it...obviously...haha). I think you're very lucky to have a man that is willing to step up and take responsibility because even though you said you could take care of this baby on your own (and if he changes his mind I would suggest not even putting his name on the birth certificate and going at it solo....otherwise you will feel guily all your life for 'tricking him') it will be much easier to do with a partner. I would try to look at it as a start to something new rather than an ominous cloud hanging over you. I highly doubt he will ever find out (unless you blabbed your plan to friends or something) and so long as everyone in the situation is happy its not like you can take it back. Maybe thats what he wanted as well? or maybe you would have gotten pregnant anyways? or maybe a few years down the road (mind you, you're both pleanty old enough already...not to sound no offence) maybe you both would have come to this decision anyways? who knows, all you know is now you have a baby on the way and a man who is willing to help out. Make sure you apreciate him and treat him well because he could have walked out on you. I gave my hubby the ultimatum (I wanted kids, he wanted to wait 5 years...ya, 5 more years!!). I said "well, I'm going off the pill and if you don't want a baby, protect yourself". within the month we were expecting have neither of us would change it for the world. Sometimes it just takes that push. good luck and congrats.

  19. the pill isnt 100% effective, and he wasnt using a condom. Please dont hate yourself, and once this baby is born, he will fall so in love with it, that he wouldnt care if you did it on purpose.

    At least the baby wasnt an accident.

    Good luck xx

  20. the child is a blessing which you have obtained by doing wrong.

    it will, somehow, eventually catch up with you.

    I hope the child isn't harmed by it as well, but unfortunately, the child will be so deeply linked to your life, s/he most likely will be.

    Blessings are to be earned and given- not stolen.

    That's fairly inherent in *any* code of ethics in the world.

  21. EVIL

  22. You're an evil Bi***

  23. Girls like are obviously not a woman...girls like you are a disgrace to the gene pool.  I have heard of girls that honestly got pregnant on accident being accused of c**p like this because of evil little b*****s like you.  Guys get screwed into paying child support to girls like you who do things like this.  Horrible.  You are a pile of c**p.  I am sure this will get reported and I do not care.  Disgusting s***k!

  24. it is kinda wrong but as long as he will be there.  you shoul TRY to get pregnant by someone unless you really love them.  but since he was not using protection, are you sure he wasnt trying to get ou pregnant too??  he should know that just a woman taking apill is not enough protection

  25. You're the reason I preach condom usage to every fertile male I know.  You're the reason I tell my teenage sons to NEVER TRUST A WOMAN who says she's on birth control.  You're the reason I tell my sons that THEY are just as responsible for birth control as the woman.

    "More of a guy I used to date than a friend?"  OBVIOUSLY he's not your friend or you wouldn't have betrayed him like this.  What do I think?  I think you're despicable.  Who in the h**l gave you the right to decide he'd be a great father without HIS input on whether he actually wanted to be a father?  

    Don't forget, what goes 'round, comes 'round.  Don't be surprised if, when he finds out (oh and believe me, he WILL find out), he leaves you, AND takes custody of your child, leaving you without either of them.

  26. You are the reason I'll wear a condom, no matter what.

  27. I know the world is full of selfish people like yourself, but it never fails to amaze me...its almost like youare proud of what you have done and want everyone to be proud of you for being so cunning...

    I sure hope you are prepared to care for the baby and put it before your selfish needs. It won't be long before yuor friend tells someone and they tell someone and there will be another child in this world growing up in a split family. are one smart woman.

  28. You need to tell him. It will slip eventually, you need to come clean and face the consequences of your actions!

    Women do this to men all the time, it is wrong! You know that!

    He is going to be pissed, however, hopefully his love for his child will allow him to get over it.

  29. so wrong in more ways than one!  Shame on you.

  30. It's wrong. You decided to force his life down a road where he now has to raise a child with you. What if he wanted a carrer, or a family with a woman he loves so he can raise the child with her, as a couple? He might not have wanted to spend so much time with you, raising a child with you. He accepted it because he had no choice. He should have taken matters into his own hands, and used a condom so that you couldn't do it, but I think that it is wrong that you got pregnant on purpose. You wouldn't want a guy to all of a sudden decide that you're going to mother his children whether or not you want it, would you?

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