
I Think I'm pregnant, what does it sound like to you?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I just started TTC and I believe I ovulated July 26th, and starting the 28th I've had extremely sore b*****s (and it feels like I have a big hard lump behind nipple area). Starting the 30th and on into today (the 4th) I have had a lot of dizziness and lightheaded spells where I think I am going to pass out. The 3rd I even had some cramping in my stomach and was very gassy. The cramping wasn't like normal period cramping. My nipples are a little darker as well (not the aerola, just the nipple)

I am not due for another week so I don't want to waste the money taking a test just yet. I just want some opinions from some other people, does this sound like some early pregnancy symptoms you had?





  1. do a test AND go see a doctor Now cos your either pregnant of something is very wrong

  2. It sounds like u are, but I wouldn't get my hopes up right away cause it will just upset u more if ur not. I done it to myself a few times and it makes the journey not fun. So keep ur head up and good luck! keep me posted!

  3. Sounds very possible to me and like some symptoms. Just make sure u push fluids so u dont get constipated n fibre ad well cause then you'll really know about it. You probably should get a test or see a dr because if ur not u could get mastitius still even en get mastitis bt of useless info. Anyways good luck and i hope everthing works out

  4. some test you can take up to 5 days before your period check out

  5. i would do a test, i got my BFP a week early

  6. The big hard lump behind your nipple doesn't sound good.  My nipples did get darker and then larger, I varied in days some days I ate everything in sight, some days I wasn't hungry at all.  I was extremly tired in the begining, after i was like 2-3 months, I felt a little ball in my stomach when I slept on it.  I started having to pee a lot really early.  I didn't have the dizziness though. I did have cramping----it is called round ligament stretching, that is if you are pregnant, its normal.  I don't know if that helped you at all I hope so.

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