Before: I had an above average memory. I remembered everything so well, and had a above average; even gifted memory.
I went sailing about a week ago.... and I got a few blows to the head by the metal boom (piece holding the sail that sways) Some were very hard, others medium and a very little of them minor.
Now: I feel like I cannot remember things as well as I used to. Its not totally shot, in the case that I don' remember basic things like passwords, names of family, etc. I just feel that before this happened, my memory was so much better.
I am worrying so much that I'm even having anxiety attacks and what not.
Could my memory had weakened? My mom says its just because I have been off of school for 3 months, but I think otherwise.
However, if it did weaken, is there anyway(s) of getting it back up to par?
And also, if I went to my doctor who has a cat scan of my head/brain/skull from last year, could they tell if my memory had gone?
Thanks for answering.