
I Think I May Of Weakened My Memory! Help Me PLEASE!?

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I went sailing recently. The big metal part of it hit me in the head a few times kinda hard and a few little ones.

I had a above average memory before it, and now I feel like I cant remember as much as I used to.

Is this a possibility or is it just me over reacting to the situation.

Thanks, Much Appreciated




  1. maybe and maybe not i think you should see a doctor or eat lots of almonds becasue almonds and dry food can increase your memory good luck  

  2. Blows to the head kill brain cells.The number of cells destroyed depends on the strenght and number of the blows.

    You might have suffered mild brain damage but have no worries.Your brain can repair itself if you give it what it needs.

    There is also a possibility that you are experiencing memory loss due to your anxiety.Fear drains our mental energy and often causes us to loose memory.

    Start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.

    Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

    Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds and/or 250g of green peas,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

    The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and


  3. Perhaps you suffered a mild concussion.  If you are worried, you should go to the doctor.

    My brother was in a severe bicycling accident, and he wasn't wearing a helmet.  Although there was no long term damage, I swear he is not as sharp as he used to be.

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