
I Think the greatest activist, poet, rapper and entertainer in the 20th century is Tupac Shakur?

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  1. K, I'll bite.   Please direct this old white guy to the sources that have lead you to this conclusion.  What raps would you recommend?  My vote goes to Bukowski.

  2. I think it's time to let the man rest in peace and stop glorifying a gangsta!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. very very true

  4. Comparing him to Jackson and Sharpton is like shooting fish in a barrel.   Since they've both made things worse, how about a real challenge, and try to find someone that's done more harm.

  5. Without a doubt!

    Me Against the World (one of Pac's BEST)

    ...Through this supression

    they punish the people that's askin questions

    And those that possess, steal from the ones without possesions

    The message I stress: to make it stop study your lessons

    Don't settle for less - even the genius asks his questions

    Be grateful for blessings

    Don't ever change, keep your essence

    The power is in the people and politics we address

    Changes (Favorite)

    It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.

    Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live

    and let's change the way we treat each other.

    You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do

    what we gotta do, to survive...

    ...It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East

    Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs

    so the police can bother me

    They Dont Give A F**k About Us

    (Illuminati/Implanted Microchip (Verichip) warning?)

    When these devils try to plot, trap our young black seeds

    Look it, Cops are just as crooked as the ****** they chasin'

    Lookin' for role models, Our father figures is bases

    Some say they expect ILLUMINATI take my body to sleep...

    ...before I flee COMPUTER CHIPS, I gotta deal wit brothas flippin I don't see no devils bleedin', Only black blood drippin

    We can change, Whatcha now say?

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