
I Took A Test and it says not pregnant but i feel like i am?

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ok i took 4 digital pregnancy test and they all said not pregnant i took the line one where it shows two line and it said pregnant so i took another one and it said pregnant to i dont know if i am because i keep having spot periods for like two days and then its gone but when im sitting down i will get sharp pains above my bladder i am ALWAYS peeing all the time i am always tired and i have this craving for food every second of the day and sometimes it weird stuff and other times its not i have put on 25 pounds in the last 3 months but if i was pregnant i would only be a month along one of my friends took a test from walmart and it said she was not pregnant for 3 months but she went to the doctor and turns out she was 3 months and a couple days along i dont want to go to the doctors because i dont know how to tell my mom hey i might be pregnant and then go to the hospital and it say im not and her be really mad at me or it say i am and have her kill me i feel so bad i am almost 16 years old and i don't know what to do can someone please help me?




  1. I suggest you head on over to planned parenthood and get an accurate blood test done.  The time that you are wasting not knowing, is time that can be spent making a decision about how to proceed.  Everyday the child is growing and going without proper medical attention, increases the  possible risk for both him/her and you.  Take charge and find out!

    You may be scared of knowing the truth but you will be more scared when you find you have waited too long and you only have one option left. If you are too far along (3-5 months), you will no longer have a choice!!! You will have to carry the baby to term and give birth. Don't rely on friends experiences...this is YOUR life. And if you hurry, you will still have a choice.  

    I believe Planned Parenthood is confidential. They will take care of you and give you counsel. Please go there now. Here is their website:

  2. Have you already missed your period?  I think what your saying is instead of your period you are getting spotting?  Pregnancy tests are more accurate after your missed period.  If you take them too early you can get false reads.  

    Is there a planned parent hood in your area?  They can help you out and keep it confidential so you won't have to tell your mother until you know for sure.  Check the website and see if there is one in your area.

    If you are not pregnant you really need to start taking birth control (if you are not already).  Practice safe s*x methods and take the time to enjoy your childhood.  You don't need your mother's permission to get birth control pills.  I was able to get them when I was your age at Planned Parenthood and it was confidential.  Although im sure your mother would be much happier to put you on birth control rather than having to deal with a pregnancy.

    Good luck!

  3. False negatives are very common, false positvies aren't.

    If you have taken TWO tests and used them correctly, and they say you are pregnant, then you are.

    It is probably because the line tests you took were more sensitive than the digital, or if the digital cannot detect a certain amount of HcG, it will say negative, whereas a line test would just be faint.

    If you really want, wait a week and then take another digital test.

    Do it when you have your first urine of the day (more concerntrated wee=more likely to be accurate) and just make sure it is being used properly (for example, some you pee on the stick, some you need to leave it in urine for a certain amount of time in which case weeing into a pot is more neccaser).

    Im sorry, but you need to see a doctor asap.

    They will do a bloody test to confirm if you want them too, as blood tests are more accurate.

    Your mum may be mad at first, but she will calm down.

    If you are pregnant, you do not want to go through this alone, so tell her sooner rather than later.

    Good luck :)x

  4. is your period overdue?? if not you should wait about a week after your missed period to get accurate results on a PT. Also if you are paranoid or stressed out about being pregnant you won't get your period. you need to relax a little bit and wait if in a week still no period take a test and talk to your parents about putting you on birth control if you are not pregnant.

  5. Where are you getting the bc from?  If you are going to a clinic or Planned Parenthood or something, I would go there and get a test.  

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