
I Totalled My Car The Day After I Got My Liscence. How To I Gain My Parents Trust Back?

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Well the day after i got my liscence i got in a bad head on collision, totalling my car, i still have my liscence but my parents refuse to let me drive, and dont seem like they have any interest in buying me a new car, how can i gain their trust back to i can drive again and eventually get a new car?




  1. Wow, talk about worse case scenario. Anyways, it will take months if not years if your parents are the least bit protective over you. You REALLY need to take a defensive driving program or something. Then you should save up and buy your OWN car. When you buy your own stuff then you take better care of it. You probably also made your parents insurance sky rocket so that would add into them being pissed off.

    I'd like to know what happened. When I drove my car for the first time I was the safest driver ever.

  2. Tell your parents you will be more careful driving and watching

    for the other vechile . You need to gain your parents interest by telling them you will be more careful so you can drive again

    and hopefully your parents might buy you a new car.

  3. You had your chance and you blew it. You didn't state who was at fault. If it was you, then you'd be walking for a long time if you were my kid. If it was the other drivers fault, well - that's a different story.

  4. To gain back your parents full and complete trust, now that you’ve broken it, will take time. In addition, you’ll have to prove to your parents that you deserve their trust again.

    The way to prove this is to be truthful with them, no matter what.

    After losing their trust in you, and depending upon what it was that you did to cause their distrust, parents might decide it’s in your best interest for them to search your room on occasion, follow you or check up on you, and even forbid you to leave the house.

    Go along with them, no matter how tough it is.

    It doesn’t hurt to volunteer to do extra things around the house, plan little surprises for them, like a good report card, or to be kinder to your siblings.

    All of these things go along with trusting you again, since they will see that you’ve changed in more ways than one, and that you care enough about how they feel to put out a little extra effort to please them.

    Of course, it won’t do any good to try and manipulate them by being a nice kid for now, cleaning up around the house and playing games with little sis, if you’re planning on earning their trust back long enough to break it again.

    Your actions have hurt your parents and your sincerity and honesty will be the only way you can win them back....................

  5. tell them the truth, and see how they take it, say that u r sorry and then as ur parents 4 forgivness if dat does not work just reply back 2 me and ask me 4 more advice.

  6. How long has it been? You might just need to wait until the worst blows over. Then act like you're back on a learner's permit--and start relearning to drive. Or at least act like you are. Impress your parents with your remorse. And remind them that if you don't drive at all, you won't have a chance to improve through practice.

    And you'll probably have to buy your own car, or at least pay a lot of the cost (not to mention insurance).  Start saving up.

    (And thanks for making me feel better-I just failed my 2nd driver's test! At least now I'll remember to be extra careful even after I get it...)

  7. Unless it was 100% the other person's fault, you are in some serious trouble. The only way to get back on your parent's good side is to use some elbow grease. First, you need to get a job and start saving for a new car so you can buy your own. Second, you should be the best behaved kid in the world and always just do what they ask with a smile, even if you really don't want to. Sucking up at every opportunity is key. Last, it is just going to take some time for them to get over it, so work on being a gift from heaven to your parents while they forget how mad they are.

  8. You plowed one car,  and are wondering about them "buying me a new car"!

    You took a perfectly good car and screwed it up,   whether you meant to or not.    Get off your lazy backside and get a job,   they don't owe you a car and have no obligation  to get you a car so you can trash more of their savings.     To get their trust back,  and to show you are finally growing up,   get up and get a job.   Save your earnings,   and buy your own stinking car.    Let go of mommy's finger and cross the street on your own!

  9. I hope that getting your parents' respect is more important than getting another vehicle...I take it that they bought the vehicle for you...Insurance will cover some of the costs...Suggest that you make every effort to help your folks recover every cent that was invested in the wrecked vehicle.

    After you've paid them, then go about saving your own money to get a vehicle you want...In the meantime, you're back to the way you got around before you had the vehicle...It will be tough to be sure...You will find out what you are really made of...Even if it wasn't your fault, take responsibility for your actions - one of the true tests of adulthood.

    All the best.

  10. if it was thare car go get them a nother one and then try to do what thay tell you to do and you shou be back on the rode

  11. who's fault was it? (yours or the other driver ?

    count your blessing as in most head on collisions both parties

    end up dead.. as if you were going 40 and the other car was

    going 45 thats impact speed of 95. (BANG!)

    at least you were not hurt

  12. BUY YOU A NEW CAR???--get a job buddy boy and save up--next time you drive, you will have respect for something you bought with your own money. Trust??? Go to work and forget driving for a while--it takes experience to drive---obviously you didn't have enough experience to avoid the collision. It isn't a trust thing--it is the lack of maturity that comes with being your age. Your parents are probably right for keeping you from driving. When you are old enough to move out and support yourself--then you can buy your own car and do what you want.

  13. You blew it.  Do like i did, work and save your money and buy your own car.  Maybe you will pay better attention when you see how hard it is to get the money for a car.

  14. buy them a replacement car.  i doubt if you will gain the trust of your parents based upon the statement, "and don't seem like they have any interest in buying me a new car."

    sounds like you are a little spoiled and expect a lot of entitlement.

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