
I WANT My wish to come true ....<3 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <span title="badddddd......!!!!!!!!!!!!?">badddddd......!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest59312  |  earlier

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is there anyway i can make my wish come true??

i have been wanting tomove houses for 7 years well for my family to move houses but

they dont want t0 because apparently they love it here wer we are now.

buT me and my brother completely hate it here.! we cant stand ite just want to move to the place that we were living at before.

I HAve been praying for this to come true for very long now.

and i dont want to lose hope and i dont want to give up.

is there any way that my wish can come true??

or any chance that i could know if this wish will come true

i just want my parents to see some sense and listen to me and my brother





    grow up! get over it!

    mummy and daddy wont move boo-hoo

    at least you have a roof over your head.

    be happy with what you have you immature brat!

  2. If you have been in the new place for 7 years you must be in your teens. The only thing i would suggest, when you are 18 move back to were you came from. Until then, make the best of what you have. There must be a reason that your parents moved. Maybe you should sit them down and try having a rasional discution with them. I am a parent of 4 and we moved from massachusetts to Kentucky. Trust me it was not an easy move. My daughter who was 16 when we moved hated it here for a long time. After a couple of years she made new friends, started college and now loves it. What are the reasons that you do not like the new place that you live. is it the size of the house, or maybe the way you are treated by people around you. if that is it stop letting people bother you. Get to know some people where you live and make the best of what you have until you are old enough to go back to the old place by yourself.

  3. I think you first have to talk to your brother and work out the reasons why you do not like where you live right now. It could be just a mentality, and if you try to like where you are right now, it will save your parents a lot of money.

    Why did you move in the first place, if you did not want to leave? Your parents probably had a good reason to do so. You should talk to them and tell them the reasons in a calm and rational way. If you keep nagging them, they&#039;ll just end up resenting you for not respecting their decision.

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