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I would like to know what other teen mothers are doing to better their life as well as the life of their child. How do you feel about the way society seems to kick us down like we arent going to amount to anything?




  1. I finished high school via a correspondence school. Then I went to community college and now I&#039;m a year ahead of my peers and will have my degree at the end of the year. But I think the best thing you can do for your child is to create the biggest extended family possible by involving friends and family in his or her life. And never feel bad about accepting help.  

  2. I&#039;m not a teenage mother, but alot of my friends are. I have 5-6 girlfriends who had babies either in high school or soon after. I myself was pregnant at 15 which ended in a miscarriage. It really does hurt me to see these mothers put down in such a hurtful way. One friend of mine is 20 and her child is now 4. She applied for a job at a local store, and when she went in for the interview the interviewer asked if she had any children, and when she explained, the woman asked her if having a job would affect her receiving wick, food stamps, or medicaid ... It really drove her up the wall. She doesn&#039;t even receive government assistance. Anyhow that is just one example of how teen mothers are stereotyped. But several of my young friends who are mothers are currently enrolled in or have applied to colleges to try to further their education and live above the stereotypes. Good Luck to you.

  3. I was once a 15 year old mother and let me tell you don&#039;t let anything anyone has to say affect you or your raising of your child. s***w them..thats what I say. Keep your schooling up as that is the most important thing you can do is get your education.also work and take care of your child. As long as you are comfortable as a parent nothing anyone says should affect you. Just keep your head held high!  

  4. I got pregnant with my first child at 16. I raised him on my own (with my parents help, not the fathers) Graduated high school then I had twin boys that passed away shortly after birth and then at 8 months old due to being 4 months premature. Then a couple of years later I had a daughter and then 10 months later I was pregnant with my youngest son. I am now 26 with a 9 year old, just turned 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old. I am engaged, and going to college for architectural drafting.

    I sometimes feel like people give me the stink eye when they see me being so young with three kids, I think they jump to conclusions. I am responsible, raise my children to the best of my ability and I am getting an education so I can better their lives. I try to ignore but it is hard when you feel like you are being judged by everyone.

    My oldest sister waited until she was 24 to have a child and she is an alcoholic at 32 years old has her daughter taken away and has a 21 year old boyfriend.

    I think it depends on the maturity of the independent person not the age.

    I am sure there are many parents out there that waited until later to have children that don&#039;t take steps to better the life of their children also. Just depends on the person.  

  5. Wow, I was pregnant a mom at 16. With society now days, you just have to ignor it. I couldnt tell you how many people have told me that i am nothing and will never be nothing. I realized though that it is my life not theirs. I know that I am a good mother and I take care of my son well. So why should I have to prove to the people that I am a great mother when I know that I am. I am 17 with a 21 month old son. I will be starting college Spring of 2009. I can do anything that a person with out a kid can, yea there are challenges, but everybody has them.

  6. I had my daughter when I was 18.  I finished my senior year or high school i moved out with my daughters father and now we have our own place and we dont need help from anyone.  I am also attending college for nursing.  I can honestly say that my life is better with my daughter then it would ever have been without her.  Things are going great for me right now

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