
I WAS SO EMBARRASSED! How should I have handled this?

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My friend comes from a rich family, and I met his mother for the first time......Paris Hilton, anyone?

She is the ultimate trophy wife. Blonde hair, little bitty dog, designer purses, the whole nine yards. We went through the drive-thru at McDonalds, and it was a LONG LINE! "Paris Hilton" kept complaining the whole time that they have "morons" working there and how they need to hurry up so SHE can eat.

By the time it's our turn to order, she had a very complicated order (no salt, light tomatoes, extra pickles, light dressing, etc.) and the employee had to ask her several times to repeat the order. So when she pulls up to pay for her food, she starts yelling at him, saying he's rude and slow and all this unnecessary stuff. I could tell he hated his job, and she was why. The worse part is, my friend was laughing the entire time.

I was so ashamed to be in the car. I wanted to die. Should I have spoken up about Paris Hilton's behavior or what??




  1. no otherwise she would have started on you

    these 'paris hiltons' think they are better than everyone

    well their NOT

  2. wow shes stupid

    u couldnt ahve done anything, dont worry. just dont get in that situation again lol

    get ur own food

  3. I wouldn't worry about it.  100 years from now,  no one will know the difference.

  4. If I were you I would just stop hanging with this friend.  People who work there are working to get through college or they had bad lives growing up.  The woman and her son are obviously ungrateful for what they've been given.  Explain to your friend that you just can't hang with him anymore until he starts to understand how fortunate he is compared to a lot of people.  

  5. first of all wtf is "paris hilton" doing eating at mc donalds anyway??

    2nd of all......i work at mac dons..and when people like that come through i am so very tempted to  yell at them and say" this isnt effin cant have it your way here... but since you seem to think you caaaaan....feel free to step inside and make it your our d**n self." but id totally get fired and i need a i dont...

    but i laugh at my own little fantasy when these ppl come through and they ask me whast so funny..they report me and i get yelled its all okay...lmfao

  6. You should have stood up for what you believed in..Thats why she behaves that way-maybe no -one has told her its wrong so she believes its acceptable..your friend laughing proved my point.It all depends on how you say it.Be calm and tell her how it affects people's feelings.She may lash out on you but atleast you'll have a clear conscience.

  7. I hate snooty people like that, though sadly money does that to most people. I wouldn't say anything if you value your friendship, most likely she won't let you two hang out anymore, but if you want to stand up for what's morally expected of a decent human being, then I say go ahead.

    Good luck


  8. wow she sounds really annoying. and thats a tough situation..if you would have spoken up, theres a chance that that car ride home would have been 10x more awkward than just being in the car watching that happen!! i would just say something to your 'huh that was pretty rude of your mom'. then maybe he'll mention something to her. because she should know that its nottt ok for her to be doing that!

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