
I WAnt to switch from honors classes to normal ones before school starts?? Will the school let me??

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The only class im keeping as a sophomore is the Algebra 2 because i like math. but i dont want honors english and ap us history. i think i bit off more than i can chew. last year i almost got a c in my honors class. also these classes have nothing to do with my future career. also this year as a sophomor in igh school i will have many activites outside of school like volunteering in hospitals and etc. i feel like withthese two extra hoonors classes i will be overloaded and stressed out. because they require a lot of dedication. i feel kind of bad asking to switch back to normal classes after asking for those classes. i guess i didnt thnk it over very well. Will the school definetly switch me to normal or force me to go to honors classes?? PLEASE I really need advice because im very worried!!!




  1. Chances are they will unless all of thsoe classes are full but I doubted.

    They will just be happy that you know what you were headed for and they would be glad to change it.

  2. i dont think they can hold u back from doing that, when i was in HS i did the same thing..all i did was went and saw my guidance counselor...who tried to talk me out of it, but i knew i couldnt handle it so i didnt give up.

    good luck

  3. that depends on whether the normal classes have enough room to allow you to go back into them

    if the normal classes don't have enough room, then you either can stay with your honor classes or take remedial classes

  4. Demand it, go to the principal with your mom if necessary.

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