
I Want Homeschooling My Child. What Do I DO?

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My son is 17 years old and he is having difficulty focusing in school. A matter a fact, judging from his report card, he goes to school and does absolutely nothing. He fails atleast three classes every report card. It seems the only way he is going to manage to get his diploma is at home sitting in front of me cause he knows I will not allow him to do anything until his classwork is completed.

I cannot afford to pay an online tuition to an online school. Therefore, please tell me what I need to do. Before I pull him out of school, I want to have everything set up for me. I also need to know if there is a site that will tell me what all he will need to qualify for getting his diploma.

OH!!! And will he be able to graduate somewhere once he has all of his credits?




  1. if i remember correctly homeschooling doesn't really count (my friend and her siblings were all home schooled and they will have to go to a community college b4 they are aloud to go to a bigger college...which is twice as much college...and if you can't afford online classes you will not be able to afford sending him to two colleges...) and it would be a bad decision to home school him so late (he is 17...had you started at 7 it would have made more since) he has already established relationships at school...which he may lose if yanked out so late in the year... you may need to talk to his teachers or (like around where i live we have two alternatives to regular for bad kids and one for kids to work at their own pace to graduate on time) talk to the school counselors or principal for more options...just don't homeschool him....

  2. All the other answerers don't know what they're talking about.  You do NOT go to the school district or the school counselor if you want to homeschool.  For home*bound* instruction from the school, yes.

    If your state has virtual online schools, they are free if you're in the district or state (for a state-wide school).  If you do any other online program, yes, it will cost and start around $350/course/semester for a reputable school.

    It would be best to connect with other HS'ers in your area.  Search Yahoo Groups for "homeschooling + your state or your city.

    If you truly homeschool him, then *you* will give him a diploma.  It's as good as the same from a public or private school (and in most states, HS's *are* private schools).

    As for the requirements, this depends more on if he wants to go to college or not.  If he does, then he'll need what the college admissions requirements are.  If he doesn't, then you'd just want to meet your state's education standards, which can be found by a 'net search for "your state education standards".

    If you plan to put him back in public school before graduation, then you'd want to make sure the courses you use/teach will be accepted as credit for that school.

    Don't worry...there are a LOT of families who HS because the public school system has failed them (the students).  Fail as in they aren't teaching him correctly or he'd be doing better.

    As for college admissions, he does NOT have to start at a community college to get in.  All he'll need is a transcript, a portfolio, and the SAT or ACT test.  In fact, he could enroll in community college classes for the dual credit.   Rather than have him take Algebra at home, he could just take it at the CC.  CC's are fairly inexpensive.

    You will need to go to this site and look up your state's HS'ing laws.  There are also links to some of your state's support groups.  Some may have co-op classes he could participate in.

    Best wishes!

  3. If he doesn't want to work, then he doesn't want to work. Not a bad thing. I went through the same phase and am in a really good job now.

  4. isn't he almost done with school??

  5. What state do you live in... I don't know how but I know this will help if you have the state.

  6. Well my older sibs are homeschooled and they are 17 and 16. One uses math-u-see and it helps alot. It has a tape and a guy explains what to do and all, then you answer questions.

  7. My son was the same way in regular school. I told him to take his GED and then he could get out of Highschool. Now he is in college and  doing great since it isnt full of stupid people (his term) and the work is more challenging and less repetative.

    Sorry couldnt help with the home school thing... but maybe giving you another option.  College has been the best thing for my son. He is putting out straight As and has a job.  He is so much more alive and happy.

  8. Can he take classes at a community college?  They offer the same things that high-schools do.

    If not, look into the Robinson Curriculum.

  9. the rules are different in every school district so contact your local school board office to find out what to do.  they will provide the books and tell you about graduation requirements.

  10. The fact that this question began "I want homeschooling my child" indicates to me that homeschooling probably isn't a good solution for you.  Or your child.

    Some people are just meant to fail high school.

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