
I Want To Be Tall, But I Can't?

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I am 15, going to be 16 in a few months, but I am only about 5'10". My dream height for the longest time was 6'4" or 6'5", but height is not really in my family. I am already about an inch taller than my Dad. What can I do? =[




  1. wear high heels! (^_^)y

  2. Your genetic code determines your height, what you can do is grow up and accept that we cannot all be tall.

  3. Genetics make up for about 80% of your possible height, so if your parents are short, chances are you won't be tall.  The other 20% comes from eating right and getting plenty of nutrients.

    I hate to break it to you, but your not going to reach 6'4.  But if you eat right and make sure to take a multivitamin, you should be able to reach your maximum possible height.

  4. u can't help that... it's not that big of a deal

  5. 5'10" is a great height! You may get taller, or you may not. You're already really tall! One inch taller than your dad is great!

  6. "Only"? You're really a jerk, you know that? My dream height is about 5'10", and you're whining about it. I'm only 5'6", and I'm taller than my parents too.

    You may still grow a couple of inches too, so don't complain too loudly about your "short" height until you're sure you're done growing. And no, there's nothing you can do to change your height.

  7. ohhhhhh well i dnt think sooo but u kan still grow u knoe.....

    and thats not short??

  8. your height is already a good height cuz u r only 2 inches away from 6 feet

  9. Try this.

    Allow time.


    Increasing the Height



    In rare cases, you can increase the height up to age 30.

    Cycling is good exercise and fun too.

    You need to adjust the seat so that when you paddle from seating position you will actually stretch your legs, it is a difficult position but doable. For safety you need to be on track and not in traffic, safety first.

    The FEW things I did at least helped me.


    Not just playing in water, but serious laps type swimming, do not try to beat the clock but steady full strokes swimming. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

    Stretching exercises on floor.

    Find them on line.

    Chin ups.

    Full stretch type.

    Swinging from a rope.

    Full stretch climbing.

    In other words do things that require stretching.



    In the morning after good night sleep every one is about 1/2 inch to 1 inch taller. This is because the soft tissue between the bones recovers during the time when there is no weight on them.

    Older people loose height due to bone loss. I was 5', 7'' I am only 5', 5".

    Issue of Genes:

    You know only the active genes but genes can stay dormant for generations.

    I believe that every one has some tall height genes, dormant or active; I again believe that certain exercises can activate those.

    Again Swimming:

    You will start out with half a lap and build up day by day, half a lap at a time. Then you will swim non stop for 1/2 an hour.

    The speed is not important but you must use various strokes and do them correctly, completely, slowly and perfectly. This way you will have full stretch, and its benefit.

    Eating healthy foods and taking rest as specially sleeping soundly at night is very important. Most people need 8 hours of good sound sleep per night, some need more and few get by with 4 hours only.

    In the mean time use high hills and take advantage of hair-do, wardrobe can do wonders too; vertical striped clothing can create a taller look for most people.


    Under strict supervision of a doctor they do wonders but the side effects are delayed and unpredictable so doctors do not like to use them.

    Surgical Procedures:

    There are surgical procedures but most doctors will not do them till the person is 30 years or so. They also have to be very short.

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