
I Want To Start Selling on Ebay?

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I really want to start selling on ebay I love the internet and im on it 24/7 I dont have a job and havent been working for the last 3 years me and my husband just moved to a new state where we dont know anyone and I really wanna be suscess at this because I know I would really enjoy it I just want to do it right I have the proper funds aside to get this going and I have plenty of time but I havent found what my selling source will be my first question is should I register a business name to get a Tax ID number so I can buy wholesale? or go yard selling? I have not read good about dropping shipping so I want to stay away from that I dont have anything of my own to sell because right now we dont have much left since we moved out of state and my 2nd question is the pros and cons about the Ebay store would you recommend me getting one? thank you so much for your help




  1. This is a good reference for anybody new to eBay. Lots of great info for new people.

  2. Just like my situation two years ago,thoght I'm selling in the flea market.

    I just told you some of my experience.First,you should find the cheap suppliers and study what items would be hot.I found a wholesaler online and Tax ID number is not required.At the beginning,the dropshipping can be considered if you sell on eBay for saving shipping cost.So  money is not problem,all you need is time.

    I know that starting a business is never easy.So if you need some help,don't hesitate to contact me.I'd like to share with you my experience.

  3. well first off you have to know what you are going to sell and you have to make sure it sells. otherwise there is no use in buying a bunch of wholesale if no one wants it. find your nitch, find what you know, what you are passionate about. then i suggest TRYING it out on ebay. And remember success doesnt normally happen over night, so set realistic goals for yourself.


    Contact local distributers and see what they can offer you, even word of mouth can get you some great wholesale items. also garage sales are GREAT, you can find sooooo much that people dont want that is actually worth something. If you look at it and say to yourself "wow, I really like that!" then there is prolly someone else out there who is thinking the same thing and would pay big $$ to get it.

    There are good dropshippers out there but honestly they are hard to find, just be causious.

    Ebay Stores:

    I dont know too much about them but what i do know is that stores get a discount on listing fees, but i believe its about $15 a month regardless. If you are going to be selling a lot and i do mean A LOT then yes i would recommend opening an ebay store.


    Its a good idea to open a paypal account most buyers prefer it and dont want to wait for everything else to get to the seller. And if you are going to open a store i would HIGHLY recommend it.

    Really there is so much to explain, but ebay is a lot easier than its made out to be. feel free to email me with and questions you may have.

    Good Luck and happy ebaying! : )

  4. Earn money-

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