
I Want to Be a Good Leader?

by  |  earlier

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Okay well, i didn't really make the hockey team i wanted but I made the team i have been on for 3 years (like same coach) I really want to be the captain i think I'm ready and I am going camps this summer. I am so ready to be the best leader on the team! I really excited but our season does not start until August. How can I show I am a good leader now and in the future.

P.S. Our team has a wall where we can write

Thanks !




  1. biggest quality is to lead by example and leave everything you had on the ice, and put your team first.

    i was football captain - wasn't the biggest, fastest or best on the field by any stretch, but i gave it my all and didn't complain - in the lockerroom, on the practice field and on gameday.

    good luck

  2. i am with Ryan

  3. you have to lead on the ice. even if that means not scoring goals. you need to give 110% every shift, stick up for your teammates and be vocal. if u can do that your team will follow you.

  4. It's not something you can really just choose to do. If you're a leader, you're a leader. Leadership is not something that can really be defined, it's something that you have you you don't. It's something you can learn, but only from being in the company of other leaders. Some people are leaders, some are not.

    Mostly though, If you give it your all every night, never complain about your teammates by encourage and support, You could be captain. But if you're not a leader now, you won't be able to learn how in a week.

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