
I Want to attend Liverpool vs Man Utd. Any help will be appreciated ?

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I want to attend the Liverpool vs Man Utd match on Sept 13, 2008.

However, I seem to be out of luck.

I have checked the Liverpool and Man Utd official websites and unless I am a member there is no way for me to get tickets through the clubs. I have also checked different private websites but a cost of a ticket is well over 300 Pounds.

I plan on coming from a few days before the game. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to get them?

How hard (or easy) will it be? What are good places to find scalpers? How much should I be expecting to pay?

And maybe, just maybe, does anyone have tickets he is willing to sell (or maybe happens to know someone who is selling two tickets)?





  1. If you are checking both clubs websites for tickets, then I take it you are willing to sit with either set of fans. Which would suggest to me that you are not a fan of either club and you don't have any right to be there if that is the case.

  2. ok...but make this best sure of thiss it will work

    just go on and search soccer

    man utd vs liverpoool i dont know how hard of easy but try

  3. join the queue - it's about 300 miles long.......if you want to buy a ticket off a tout come prepared with a big fat wallet..

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