
I Was Adopted....?

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well i didnt go through any adoption agency to any strangers but i was adopted by my fathers parents. he is still in my life and all that. but i am desperate to find my mother. she had me a month after her 15th birthday and she was a troubled teen. from what i heard (dont haver very reliable sources) she hasnt changed 1 bit. i heard she is a w***e that is on crack and married her pimp. i kno she is a s*x freak and is bisexual. and im almost positive she has no other kids. she would be 31 now. i am 16. i kno she is a bad person but something in me still tells me to go for it. for some reason i still really want to find her!! she lives in philadelphia PA. how could i find her? i have a child of my own so i dont have extra money to spend on people searchers on the internet (ive used many of those with no results) and i cant afford a PI. her name is Alletta Marie Klosowski birth date 02/14/76. please help me in any way u can. thanx!!




  1. I found some informations you may be interested in. I don't know how much it will help but without paying you can see some results such as what cities she has lived in as well as relatives names that maybe you could get in touch with as well. If nothing else maybe you can locate your grandparents? If you want to do the one time results its only $7.95. so it might be worth a try but I figured since I saw your post that I would atleast try to see would I could find from a different angle... Anyways here's the search results I found I hope it posts right but if not let me know....

  2. well agreed you do need to see her no matter what that is what you need. its curiosity and that is what should happen you already know what she is. some don't change and there are many out there just know you are lucky to be where you are. sure try and then sometimes there are people out there that can help simply by seeing this you are writing and maybe can help go under genelogy and find out if they can help try and ask good luck

  3. What a horrible thing to say singer.

    Of course you want to find her, she is your mother.

    I am not a searcher but there are people who can help you at

  4. Amber,

    I am an adoptive parent.  I am currently helping my son find his biological mother.  I don't understand why adoptive parents are so afraid of this process.  I love my son, and I want nothing more for him then for him to be happy.  Of course, I worry that the search may lead to heart ache for him, but I feel I need to support him.

    You are very smart to not judge your birth mother souly on the information that you received from your grandparents and your father.

    There could be a hundred reasons why they talk bad about your mother.  Some adopted parents do this because they don't want you to search for your mother.  Some parents do this to justify the adopting.  Some parents do this because they are scared that you are going to leave them in search of your biological parent. Anyway, it is very mature of you not to judge what you don't know for sure.

    Your biological mother may or may not have problems, but I understand your desire to find her.

    Good luck in your search.  Try Social Type in your mother's name.  Be prepared because they also list deaths.  I wish you the very best.

  5. Here's Joy's link again -

    Hope that works for you.

    Wishing you all the very best.

  6. Try checking the phone book, the Electoral rolls. Also, maybe you have a friend who could ask around the "s*x scene", as you are a bit young to be doing this. If she married her pimp, someone would know him or her or both. Her general behavior could be in retaliation for having to give you up. I am not making excuses for her, just I have a theory that there is a reason for everything. I just found siblings after 40 odd years. Good luck.

  7. well first u call your mom a w***e and say shes on craxk and you dont make her sounds all that good, and she had you when she was 15 and ur 16 with a kid.. so what the h**l how do u have any room to tell singer2 they need to grow up, when all that was said was straight up and maybe you should grow up for calling your mom that you really wanna find a crackheaded w***e...??? wow.. you must be a teen too.... hehehe BURN!!!!!!  

    all n all i hope you do find your mom, but dont expect alot from her.. sounds like she knew what she was doing when she gave u up... callin her a w***e on crack... if you was my kid i hope you would never find me thats probly why shes not in that state anymore...

  8. good luck trying to find her!ill keep u in my prayers

  9. It may be silly, but try classmates. It is cheap to sign up for and you can cancel anytime.  I pay $5.00 month.

    Anyway, alot of people go there to try and get in touch with old friends.  So IF you know where she went to school....

    you MIGHT be able to find her that way.

    Or you can email me with her school name and I can check on classmates for you.  At least then you will know IF she is there or not before you spend money you don't really have.

    Good luck.

    Oh yah, congratulations on being a mother.  I am sure that your unfortunate experience with your own mother will give you some good life lessons that will help you to be a better mother.

  10. What ever reason she walked away you need to find the answers from her. Tell your dad you want all info on your mother. I bet he knows some one from her family. And if they say she hasn't changed then they know just where she is. I would go to them 1st. When i was growing up and my parents got a divorce that's all i ever heard was just how bad the other parent was and not all true.


  12. There is a search group specifically for people searching in PA on yahoo with people who will be able to help you (for free)

    The following website also has links to PA registries and search tools:

    She is your mother, please try not to judge her too harshly until you see the facts for yourself, with your own eyes.  Everyone deserves to know the truth of their origins, whatever that truth is - it's yours

    Good luck to you in your search and you never need to feel alone, there are lots of adoptees who feel the way you do and thousands of us adoptees and mothers searching for each other

    I found one 'A Klosowski' living in Upper Darby PA - I have no idea  if that is anywhere near Philadelphia but there is a phone no I can email to you, if you want to give it a try
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