
I Was Anorexic...And now I miss it.?

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Okay. Well it started when this girl told me I was fat, even though I was underweight at the time, but I belived her. And that comment ruined my life. I stopped eating regularly. And changed my diet to a drink that filled me up and consisted of 30 calories. That's what I drank for a month, and I lost 30 lbs, and got down to 86 lbs. Now I have recovered from my eating disorder, and Im healthy at 105 lbs, at the height of 5"6. I feel fat again though, and hate the extra fat on my tummy. I miss the feeling of bein able to see and touch my spine, and ribs. I really do. I wanna go back to being anorexic, but it's kinda hard to start again. Any ideas? And no I won't get to the death point, im just gonna stop til I get skinny enough to be satisfied.




  1. i would die to weight as much as u do i am 5'4 and 128 and that is fat u are very very thin   ^^ rlly

  2. This is a normal reaction in the circumstances, and indicates that you still have the disorder that led to anorexia in the first place.  Competent counseling may help.  If you are 5-6, you can reasonably carry 130 pounds.

  3. you should start lifting weights. Your rapid and excessive dieting left you with flabby skin, excess skin. It dangles around your bone frame and makes you look unpleasant. Invest in little dumbbells, and start exercising. You need a layer of muscles under your skin, then you will look fabulous.

    This is a complete list/menu of Dumbbell exercises for men or women.

    they have animated photos, so it's easy to understand how to do them.

  4. Why do you want to be anorexic?

    Most people find it UN-attractive on a person. That comment that girl said to you probably isnt true and they were just jealous and you were changing your body for someone else.. not for yourself. Looking anorexic isnt healthy at all, I would seek a doctor to help you. If you want to lose the stomach fat just start exercising a bit - maybe a jog everyday or aerobics? or tone up by doing some situps, crunches, etc

    But personally, you are way too thin already.

  5. Well first of all, 105 lbs at 5'6 is VERY thin.  I bet you look amazing.  I'm dying to get back down to 105 and I'm 5 ft tall, lol.  

    Keep eating healthy, but throw in some ab work to tone up.  You'll get the same great look AND you'll be healthy.  And surround yourself with people that will tell you how great you look.  The only reason that girl said that to you was pure jealousy and you know it.

    Stay healthy, though.  There's no point in being thin if you can't be healthy enough to enjoy it!

  6. wow ... hon let me be super honest here... ask this question to all the guys... do you think it is s**y to see and feel a girls spine and ribs??

    i am not being sarcastic.. they will all say eww gross.. or no... guys hate that.. u ar underweight as it is being 5'6'' and being 105...

    u will stop and go and stop and go.. honestly u will never be satisfied... u will be doing it forever u have to learn to love ur self. i can assure u u are under weight.. i am 5'6'' and i weight 135.. are u saying i am fat? because honestly i am not... i know i am not i am perfect for my height and i got a little booty to me which u wont have being that skinny...  

  7. I really think you should try meeting with a psychiatrist or counselor. It sounds like you have a very distorted body image, and only a professional is going to be able to help you recover from this and stay healthy.

    Good luck!

  8. That's how it all starts back up again.  If you get back to that point, you'll be back to the death point. is a really good website for people who have or had eating disorders.  

  9. i dont think that with anorexia, you will ever want to stop, or feel skinny enough, and i think you know that too. if you can't stay healthy for yourself, at least stay healthy for your friends and family. think about how much it would hurt them to see you fall back into it

  10. A possible diet: a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast, a jelly sandwich with trans-fat free bread and an apple for lunch, salmon and green-beans for dinner. Snacks can include carrots, celery or a banana.

    Find snacks that you love that are healthy

    Don't shop when you are hungry.

    Add good fats to your diet.

    Increase your daily fibre intake.

    Try a daily walk.

    Add strength training to your exercise plan to build lean muscle.

    Add one or two extra vegetables to your evening mealUse a smaller plate

    Clear up left overs before sitting down to avoid second helpings

    Avoid/limit alcohol (3-4 standard drinks/week)- it reduces you ability to lose fat as well as making it harder to resist temptation.

    Find a friend who wants to feel better too and use each other for support.

    Listen to slow music while you eat. It's been proven to help you eat slower, which helps you lose weight.

  11. You need to see the doctors that were involved with your eating disorder the first time... if you did not seek medical help... do so this time.

    You are slipping down that dangerous path again and if you don't stop your thought process now, you will be back to where you were.

  12. check this website for some tips

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