
I Washed My Tennis Shoes in the Washer --?

by Guest66718  |  earlier

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but now the bottom part has come off. (the entire bottom) Is there a way to fix it or do I just throw them out and get new ones?





  1. just throw them away and get new one, gluing the bottom on looks trashy and is ridiculous. for further notice when washign shoes wash them on the delicate cycle. then put them in the dryer.

  2. you could have them resoled at a shoe store but it might be easier and cheaper to just get a new pair...good luck

  3. Hahahahahahahah LMHO. Hahahahahahah that is Sooo Funnnnnnnnny, worth buying you a New pair- for The Belly Laugh................ Hhhhahahahahahahhahahahah LMHOOOO

  4. Try Gorilla Glue.  It can't hurt to try.  If it doesn't work, then get new shoes.  I've always washed my tennies in the washer and never had a problem.  Maybe you could contact the manufacturer and see if they'd do anything for you.

  5. There is a special glue for athletic shoes. You can buy it at Do-it-Best Hardware stores. It happened to a pair of Adidas Shoes that my husband has. The whole bottom layer of the sole came off when washed. No sense in throwing away a good pair of shoes, fix them. This has became a "throw away society".  Fix it up, mend it up, young people had better learn to do this. Tough times are just down the road.

  6. If you try to glue them, the glue may seep out the sides, look messy on the bottom, and ruin the alignment of your shoes. Putting nails in shoes is a bad idea also.

    Your best bet is to go out and buy new shoes, and then you can get whatever styles you would like!

  7. i would just get new ones.. but its the first time i heard of it happening like that.. i always wash my tennis shoes in the washer.. and it didnt happen yet..

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