
I Write Teen Books. I'm Out Of Ideas Though!!!?

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I've written two books in the past year and I want to write another one, but I'm fresh out of ideas! I write books for teens and pre-teens. I'm in 6th grade. I like to write non-fiction. For example, I've written a hair-styling book for teen girls and a How-to book for girls with a bunch of how-to things that teen girls should know. What else? Thanks!




  1. Well, just think like a book eater teenager and go to the book store and see what exist there, then ask youself ?What this book store need¿ and then writte it.

    Personally I writte love stories and scary stories, you know the psique is divided in an eros and one tanatos that represent our livid and our fear, our best and our worst, I use one of they in my histories. Also I has writting an adventure book, you know Tom Sawyer kind. with characters that are hiding and saving it selfs all the time.

  2. ...Um, I think you should start writing fiction stories. There a lot ... I would say "Funn-er" but thats not a word.

    -Not helpful, I know, sorry!-

    EDIT:  Actually , I like the idea someone said about "How to have a fun weekend". I get bored over the weekend to! And the advice for girls ,with promblems like friends, boys, and fashion like things would be good,too.

  3. something about boys

  4. how about an advice book for teen girls that helps them with problems with friends, sports, etc???

  5. how bout a how to have an awsome weeked?

    i get bored on the weekends, so i really wud like that.

  6. how to put on make-up for girls???????

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