
I a using my laptop the whole day, is there a possible that it will damage due to heat?

by  |  earlier

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I am not using a battery. may laptop cpu is interl core dou




  1. Most likely not as laptops are designed to expel the heat that the parts inside that they came with generate. You might want to worry if you have happened to over clock your GPU or CPU, as this could create more heat then what the designers designed your cooling system to expel.

    Now, there is always the possibility that there is a design defect which would result in poor airflow in your laptop. I know that certain models of alienwares had this problem in the past.

    Hope this has helped!

  2. As long as there is nothing that is obstructing the airflow from the fan on the back (or side) of the laptop then there should not be a heat problem. I would also not recommend leaving it on your lap as the heat from your body will make it overheat. Using it on a table or desk would be best.  

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