lat's face it! I'm not that environmental Type my Friend as well
i don't be live in recycle stuff would help in any aspecT! in addition..ENVIRONMENTALL RESOURCES ARE UNLIMITED! .. if it was scares as those Enviro-freaks sayING.. it would properly finished ages aGO..
normal stuff that EVRY ONE should do FREER LY every daY..
Consume cool.. NOt ENVIRO stuff.., cell phones, laptops, sun glasses..
do not worry aBOut just a GIFT!.
Drive YOU'r HUmmer, lambo, what ever you own...
me PersonaLY use to drive V6 but .. i swapT it wiTH mighTY GT FORD V8! i mean c'mon oil is soo enough..
seriouslY speakING thou.. peopl nowadaYs use are so naiVE!
im sure all of you guys will agree with me.. right?
so anyhow.. how to NOT LIVE GREEn?
i mean furthermore =]