
I absolutely hate my hair, it always looks horrible, even when i straighten it, HELP? ?

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I was wondering this..

My hair is dry i think. I have split ends. I usually only straighten it 2 or 3 times a month..

My question is, if I get my split ends cut regularly, use heat protectant when i use heat, and use such things as Bumble and Bumble Deeep Conditioner, will my hair be kept at bay?

When i straighten it, it looks soo horrible. I have really thick hair, and it takes me 3 HOURS to straighten it if I do it throughly. And when i straighten it it lays so funny and never looks good, and my ends always look ridiculous.

So my question, if I keep the ends cut, deep condition it, use heat protectant, and find a better method to straighten my hair, will it begin to look better?




  1. First, you need to get a haircut. Ask them to cut off all the dry hair. Otherwise, your hair will NOT look healthy and shiny.

    Second, after shampooing and conditioning (use one for dry hair, like Pantene), try a leave-in conditioner. Put in a heat protectant, blow dry, then put in a smoothing serum, like BioSilk. Make sure your hair is completely dry; otherwise, you can do a lot of harm to your hair. THEN straighten it with a flat iron, but I'd recommend investing in a good iron like Sedu. It's expensive, but it's the #1 on the market. Its tourmaline technology cuts time down to a fraction and makes your hair pretty shiny and silky:

    After you finish straightening, reapply the BioSilk.

    PS I'd recommend spending the money on the iron rather than the shampoo and conditioner. The iron will last you longer and you can find cheap shampoos and conditioners that work well and don't cost very much.

  2. your hair should definitely start looking better once you cut off the split ends and start getting it more moisturized. i would recommend a mask to also put on your hair once weekly. i used to have the same problem as you, and once i started doing these things it got so much better. also, once you get out of the shower try spraying in 'chi keratin mist'. it really helped me.

    not straightening it would also help, especially if its not necessary. . . but if you hate the way your hair looks, i would recommend getting it permanently straightened. i got mine chinese straightened and it looks amazing. i have to get it re-done every 6 months though and its about 500$

    theres also a new thing called Braziliann straightening and it doesn't last as long (3-4 months) but it is cheaper and easier on your hair.

    Good luck and i hope this helped!

    if you have any other questions, just email me.

  3. layer ur hair.

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