
I absolutely hate school more than anyone?

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it's really really really difficult for me to go to school. i wake up every morning dreading being around the stupid ppl in my school & it's so boring, & slow i'm smart and could work a lot faster. i need a challenge. i'm alwayssss tired, i have trouble sleeping, i'm alwayyysss stressed, i just had a lot of problems with friends & lost a lot of them. things are really hard on me now, & i want to get homeschooled. I don't think I can handle public school anymore. I really can't.

am I making the right decision by getting homeschooled?




  1. Being in your teens is a tough age, but it DOES get better.  Being home schooled might make you feel more comfortable initially, but you will lose out on social interactions that a classroom with other students has.  My 13-year-old relative is struggling with almost exactly the same thing as you are, it's not easy, kiddo, but it does get better.  Just try to remember that you are great - no one can tell you otherwise.  If you're finding your current school work isn't challenging enough for you, talk to your parents and teachers and see if you can get into some advanced classes that challenge you.  Hang in there!  :)

  2. if school work is too easy, then STAY in it. It would be a lot worse if you were doing poorly. Don't look for a "challenge" as far as academics, becauase you have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to do that in college. And you can be 50 years old and still go to college.

    Do NOT go to home school! Trust me, I was excited when I got kicked out when I was 15 and went to home school. Then in just two weeks, I hated it, I missed the people, my friends, the socialization, and everything! Especially the "lunch hour." You know how you get to have lunch with the whole school at a certain time? Well in college there's NO lunch hour.

    Plus, for obvious reasons, if someone says something bad to you in college, you can't do nothing about it. (to spell it partially out: if you are old enough to go to college, you are old enough to go to jail) Thus, you can't earn respect once you hit 18.

    And dating, you don't get as many "canidates" you could pick out opposed to when you're in real school. Also after you hit 18, the only places you could go on a date are movies and mall and that's about it. When you're a teenager you can go to not only the movies and mall, but ALSO, carnival, circus, the fair, disney land, sea world, etc...

    You'll ruin your teen hood, thus ruining your ENTIRE life by home schooling.

    A good job is just a job. A job ain't nothing but work. It's not FUN at all. You can be 40 years old and still get a job; real school is gone at 18. If you're thinking about getting a GED before you hit 18, to hurry up and get a job; THAT'S A BAD IDEA! Take advantage of your youth while you still can. There is NOTHING good about being an adult.

    Remember THIS and remember it BEFORE you officially decide to go to home school. You are a teenager ONLY for 5 years. And you are an adult for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! Which is at LEAST 50 years.

  3. Home school is a bad don't get to interact with other people your age, so when your grow you will have the same problem and it will carry through your life making anything involving people harder for you. You can make school suck by thinking how boring and stupid teachers, people, and just plain school is. It sound crazy but try your best to think positive and if you do that it won't be as bad. so bad attitude=school sucks

    good attitude and positive thniking=school ins't so bad

    remember is may not seem like it will do anygood but if you just try to enjoy the math or answer question it will grow on you

    good luck

  4. You may be making the right decision.  Boredom does engender so much frustration and that can make you stressed, short tempered with others etc etc.

    Friendships can be difficult - you may not be able to find someone who shares your level of intellect - through friendship should be about so much more!

    The school should have some way of having added stimulus for students who are especially able or gifted.

    However, you may miss out on the variety of knowledge that your teachers now and in the future can impart, and you may find motivation is difficult.

    You could perhaps find something to take up teh slack.  If you like reading, you may be able to make sure you always have a book to read.  You may like to try writing - keep a notebook with you and start writing stories.  Perhaps you can see others who are struggling and you may be able to do something that helps such students, with or without a teacher's support.  have you thought about making podcasts  or writing a guide for other students, or those home schooled students who in YA are often asking for help because others can't help them.  Do you have a website?  Have you ever tried making animations.  For some of those a computer may be needed, but not for all.

  5. I really can't tell from your post whether homeschooling is the right thing for you or not.  Look to see if there are co-ops, and local home school support groups in your area. Look into whether you would be able to pursue your interests.

    Most teens and young adults have the problems sleeping but if it is more then"normal" you may want to see a doctor because insomnia and other sleep issues are much easier to take care of now than take care of 20 years from now. Also with the mention of being stressed all the time it may be a mental illness or hormone thing that needs to be looked at.

    As you become an adult and age you'll slowly lose friends. My father in law has a saying that if you can count your true friends on one hand and fill that hand then you are VERY lucky. To make it on my true "friend hand" the person has to be someone that will still stand by as I make mistakes and is there, being understanding, when I realize they were mistakes.

    As for whether home school is fun or not. It depends how you and your parents decide to do homeschooling. You will not deal with loneliness if there is a large support group around you. If you can join the YMCA or a community center.

    You can do the work or projects or community activities when you want. You may want to think of what you want to do as a career and do an internship or apprenticeship for part of the day. You also may want to think about testing into college. There are TONS of ways to get the education that you want / need for life.

    I would suggest looking into all this and then taking the information to your parents unless your parents would feel left out if you didn't come to them from the get go. If they are not able to be convinced there are online public and private schools and umbrella schools.

  6. I am homeschooled.  I hate it more then anything. I would do anything to be able to go to school. If you're only problem is that you find school is too slow gosh you're lucky. Just sit back and enjoy being smart. You don't have to be working all the time. When you're homeschooled it's really lonely. You might think you want to be homeschooled but everyone I know thats done that regrets it afterwards.

  7. I can't believe how many people are still stereotypically beating the dead socialization dog.  I homeschool my three kids.  They meet and get to know more people than they ever did in school.  They know people of all ages and walks of life.  They all have good friends with whom they share common interests. We only school in the morning, so our afternoons are for sports, arts, music, play arrangements, nature walks, field trips, workshops and parks.  The thirty kids that were foisted upon them in school cannot even remotely be compared to the spectrum of people they now see each week.  They are interested, intelligent, polite, courteous, compassionate, loving, articulate, confident kids.  What they're not is scared, intimidated, beaten up, spit upon, mocked, teased, bullied, bored or unsafe.    They are all at least two grade levels ahead and they like what they're learning because they get to choose it.  At the end of each year, we always offer them the choice of public school or homeschool, and they are ALWAYS resoundingly in favor of staying home.   I find it interesting that very few of the people on here, that say they love the "social" atmosphere of public school, can assemble even the simplest of sentences.  Maybe a social setting is ALL that school is to them.  That's funny.  I thought schools we supposed to educate our kids.

  8. If you do not like public school this much, I'd start home-schooling. I had sort of the same thing going on and I began home schooling. I've felt way better being at home, I've been in better moods, a lot less stressed, and I've slept better.

    Everyone else says that you wont have any social life which I disagree with. If you stay in touch with the people you want to and join a group on the side you'll be fine.

    Just follow your gut feeling and I hope things work out for you. <3

  9. welcome to being a kid!

    deal with it!

    homeschooling is lammmme. ur ruining your childhood.

  10. i think personally you'd get more stressed just doing home school coz you are in charge of your learning and if your stuck on something it is a lot harder for it to be explained to you over the phone or via email. if i were you id stick school out or change schools or even to a private school.

  11. If you are motivated to really accomplish something in your homeschooling and will take care of your social side and not become a hermit, then homeschooling may be the right decision for you.

  12. switch to a private school!

  13. you're no different to anyone else darling, that's adolescence for you. Friends come friends go, school sucks, it's all part of maturing. it sucks, but don't worry it doesn't last forever.

    Enjoy the friends you still have, and if you're stressed take time out and go for  a long walk to clear your head.

    Home schooling isn't all it's cracked up to be. You miss out of vital social lessons, and your parents cant teach you everything you learn at school. they probably don't have time too.

    you're going though a stage right now, it'll pass, i promise you. Don't make hasty decisions while you're upset, if you still feel the same in three or four months time then it might work out for you.

  14. i hate my school too

    u could switch to another school if u want

    i went to homeschooling once and its very boring, but its still your choice.

  15. Im a teenager and i can completely relate to your issues. I dread going to school but I make the best out of it. ha i have a new rumor started every  month about me and i have lost friends to. but u absolutely would hate homeschool trust me.  just hang in there, times will be tough and times will be simply amazing. try not to worry about everything as much as possible, because too much stress for a teenager is not good and it changes your mood alot, I have friends who are stressed and its not always fun to be around them. I hope this helps. feel free to email me anytime.

  16. I hated school too. Even weekends and vacations were spoilt by know I'd have to go back.

    Yes, I'd say home schooling is definitely worth a try. All the people who tell you to 'suck it up', well that's easy for them to say, they don't have to live your life, and your suffering is just words on a screen to them.

  17. When you get a job that doesn't work exactly right for you, are you just gonna quit and go home? My advice...learn to adapt now, when it's ok to make mistakes, and it doesn't keep you from eating when you do.

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