
I absolutly hate school.we go back in 2 days=/?

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im gonna be a freshman (14) and ive hated school my entire life.what can i do to help me get through the day?last year i bought a new video game the last day of summer vacation to give me something to look forward to during the day.should i try to do this again?im going to walmart today anyway.what helps u?thanx




  1. im going back to school next week but i have orentation wed...i hated school last year but i was in middle. now im in da highschool and think i'll still hate it. wat i look forward to at the end of the day is hanging with my friends for longer then 5 minutes every hour. or if u cant do that, i look forward to going home and relaxing or getting on da cpu. some ppl have diff. methods. like u said, u should buy another game, if that works for u =)

  2. I was a teacher for 32 years.  Try to realize that high school is only 4 years.  When you graduate you will be 18.  You will still have 3/4 of you life in front of you.  I had a student who wrote in a composition at the end of the year that when he started to LISTEN to the teacher and participate in class it became more enjoyable and he actually learned something.  

    You decide what your attitude will be.  Positive or Negative?  Now days your education is what is going to make the rest of your life more enjoyable and productive.  Talk to and listen to some older people and they can tell you what has made their life more enjoyable.

    10 years after high school most of the kids you knew in high school will no longer be a part of your life.  A few of the closest ones will still be there.  Take part in your classes and ENJOY ! ! !

  3. i agree with the cola addict girl.

    i dont like school but i tolerate it because we're lucky that we have school. if we didnt have school we wouldnt have a future except for working in corn fields or something like that.

    watch this video please

    it will show you how lucky you actually are and how thankful you should be

    and in this video look how happy some of the children are cuz they have school

    and watch this one as well

  4. You could do with an attitude adjustment, Tiger, and a little positive reinforcement.  You deserve some measure of joy every day, not just dread.  

    What is it about school that you hate so much?  Isn't there anything that appeals to you? A subject, a sport, an activity, a teacher, a schoolmate?  

    I know that going into high school and being on the bottom rung of the ladder again sucks, but everyone in your class will be in the same boat.  Try to pick out a classmate most like you and be each other's support system.  Or look for someone more miserable than you and think of something to brighten their day, some reason why they will look forward to seeing you the next day.  Usually that sort of thing winds up working both ways.  In any case, hang in there.  We all have to pay our dues, and we all survive.

  5. yeah if you want i start school in 9 days i know how you feel.

  6. i go back tomorrow (tuesday) and i totally get how you feel. i'm going to be in 11th grade and i just really don't like school and don't want to go back. but you're so close to being done with school and as much as you hate it now, college isn't going to be any better. enjoy your last couple of days and when school does start, don't be too hard on yourself with grades and just try to be chill about it and hang with your friends. High school is very different then middle school, but maybe you'll like it much better. if the video game thing works for you, then yeah, get another one. like i said, i'm just trying to enjoy my last day and there are always weekends so i look forward to that. when i'm in school, i know that later i'll get to go home. so for me, just thinking about getting out good luck with high school! hopefully, you'll like it better then middle school.  

  7. you know how many kids would actually give up almost everything just to go to school?! Yeah, I'm talking about kids from africa, who really want to learn to read and write.

    How dare you even say such a thing 'I hate school', you're a disgrace! don't you value what you have? Christ what kind of people the world has...

    True school can be annoying sometimes, but seriously they want best for us...teachers are trying to help you out and give you good future and that's what you say? seriously...  

  8. if the video games help you then hey... jus make sure u do ur hw..

    i have to say I love school. But I am In College already.. I cant wait to go back... I love to learn as stupid as it might sounds to you...

    When i was in high school what kept me going is knowing I will go to College and knowing I would get a great job which will mean money...

    I think maybe u should think about school in a different way...

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