
I accedntly took 4-25 MG Benadryl, I took two then 30 mins later took two more. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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It was not on purpose nor was it to achieve some sort of high. It was a complete accident!! I just need some serious advise on what to do please.




  1. HA i did this the other night accidentally as well. But i only took 2. You probably won't be able to sleep tonight at all, you'll be sweaty and spazzy. Then tomorrow night, you'll be EXHAUSTED and you'll sleep fine. You might have a headache in the morning. It won't be a fun night, but no serious damage or side effects will result.  

  2. get ready for a good long nap...

    Its dangerous what you just did, so try to be more careful in the future, but luckily, diphenhydramine ( the main ingredient in Benadryl )

    wont kill you at this dosage, you might get really sleepy, and you might have some restlessness, due to the large dose , but maybe you should call poison control to be sure. Please be more careful, you are very lucky this time...poison controls number is 1-800 642-3625

  3. Ask a doctor if you are still awake.

  4. Stop worrying and sleep it off.

  5. You will probably just sleep really sound & feel groggy when you wake up. I don't think you should worry too much but if you are really paranoid about it you can try to call your doctor if he/she has a 24/7 call service. If not, call your local 24 hour pharmacy & speak to the PHARMACIST, not the tech, medicine is their expertise, so they will know a lot more... Also you can call one of those free nurseshot-linee, they have a long wait, but will answer questions. Good luck!

  6. Nothing.  You will be fine.  

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