
I accidentally ate off a bowl with clorox clean up?

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I sprayed some bowls with clorox clean-up cleaner with bleach and I accidently ate some cereal off of it with my 5 yr old son. I called poison control they said it shouldn't be bad but I am still nervous. What can I do to relax or what should I look for?




  1. Watch for him throwing up or anything like that, However, it should NOT be a problem.

  2. Don't anticipate a problem and there won't be one!

  3. if you haven't had a symptom you should be relax and be more cautious next time...

  4. You should listen to what the poison control tell you, you don't really think people here know better, do you?

  5. If poison control said you are ok, you are fine.  That is there job.  Trust them.

  6. well you should watch sports or play golf or something to get your mind of of the subject. good luck and hope this helps


  7. Poison Control is essentially correct.

    Clorox Clean Up begins to break down within minutes of coming into contact with the organic material it's intended to destroy.  Clorox Clean Up is sodium hypochlorite, and it breaks down into salt and water shortly after you spray it on a surface.  This type of cleaner is intended to kill pathogens within 5 minutes, so it's probably safe shortly after that.

    You don't mention how much time elapsed between the time you sprayed the dishes and used them, but I agree with the other posters--listen to Poison Control.

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