
I accidentally ate pork...?

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I was eating this cheesy potato thing,and after i was done i went and looked on the box,and it said "made with real pork.".What do i do?




  1. Nothing you can do you are doomed for all eternity.

  2. Its ok if it was an accident. Just ask Allah for forgiveness and everything will be ok. It's only bad if u eat it when u knew it was pork. Inshaallah none of us do it again.

    Ignoer these people who dont know what they're talking about.

  3. calm down it was an accident not the real thing...ask allah for forgiveness say: astakfar, astakgfirullah each time you pray and read it on a tasbee

  4. You should not do anything or worry about it.

    You did it accidently. Just be careful the next time.

  5. nothing it doesnt matter if u ate it on accident

    just make sure next time to look

    and its ok ive eaten pork before

    on accident just pay better attention

  6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating pork, unless you are in the religion that doesn't eat pork. And it isn't like you meant to do it. I wouldn't worry

  7. as long as it wasnt intentional your okay.

  8. If it had a light, fluffy batter and didn't kill you, please share the brand.

  9. Denounce your faith and become Atheist or Agnostic. Seriously do it religion is crazy anyway.

  10. oh sister bless u :) inshallaah Allah (swt) in his ultimate wisdom will forgive u...

    wen u do something wrong and sin but with out knowing u wnt be held accountable

    you did it unintentoinaly so its fine... just try to take more care next time lol :D ... and ask Allah's forgiveness for Allah is most forgiving and merciful

    Jazakh Allah khair

  11. mistakes happen dont worry about,.....jst pray........

  12. ask for forgiveness~ big tym

    gurl if i wusz yew id be freakin out rite now

    nd don listen 2 those ignorant people

    take my advice and ask for forgiveness after each prayer

    and inshallah allah will forgiv you

  13. just let it stay inside ur body and ask forgiveness from Allah swt and pray nothing happens to u like no worms develop inside ur body lol and don't eat it next time and BE CAREFUL of the products you buy!

  14. it was an accident so just say astagfirAllah and be more careful next time inshalah.  

  15. Make sure that next time you don't do it.

    Ask Alaah for his forgiveness and inshallah he will forgive you because it was on accident and you had no idea there was pork in it or you wouldn't have eaten it.

  16. Was your intention to consume pork?


    So Allah judges intention, okay?

    Got it.

  17. you said it was an accident right? Allah is most forgiving and Inshallah will forgive us for our unintentioned sins. Just ask forgiveness from Allah and be more careful next time. Inshallah everything is fine

  18. if u r a muslim.then u should immediately say the shahada and the kalima again....and seek forgiveness from Allah

  19. well....since u ate it unknowingly u can only so Astagfar now.Ask Allah to forgive u.HE is the most forgiving and He knows you have done it unknowingly so InshAllah He will forgive u.Just make sure u read the ingredients of anything before u buy/eat it.that's wat i do.Also tehre are some preservatives like E471 and E472 an E475 that are not allowed for make sure none of these are in the ingredients.

    take care next time

  20. Stop eating meat and these types of things wont happen to you

  21. Why's it a big deal,your not going to die.

  22. I am not familiar with Islamic rules or doctrine, but I suppose it is a terrible incident since you did not do it on purpose.

    Accidents happen.

    Must move forward  

  23. Assalamalikum Sister-

    If you accidently ate pork, just ask for forgiveness. Rinse out your mouth.

    It would have been really bad if you had done it on PURPOSE!

    May Allah SWT help you.

  24. well dear sister

    it was an accident

    its not like u did it on purpose!

    its ok, just say Astaghfurullah and try to be more careful the next time

  25. it's just pork.

    it's not like it'll kill you.

    unless your a vegetarian.

    then that really sucks.

    it you are, it's not like it's your fault.

    just be like.

    what you talkin' 'bout,

    i didn't eat no pork.

    you know?

  26. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    You won't die

    You're not "doomed for eternity"

    You won't go to h**l

    It's not "end of the world" yet

    Don't "Denounce your faith and become Atheist or Agnostic"

    Don't "share the brand"

    No need to call "911"


    It simply was an accident, Allah knows, He is All-Knowing, so ask to Him for forgiveness after offering prayers.. And InsyaAllah everything with be fine.

  27. you didn't realise you were doing somthing wrong...thus god will forgive ye... on the other hand if god doesn't exhist then  then ye is in the clear!

  28. If this was unintentional then inshAllah u'll be forgiven, Also remember Allah (swt) knows everything,

    and after all we r humans and make mistakes, just be careful.


  29. Repent sincerely from the heart and InshaAllah you will be forgiven. Allah is Most Merciful, you made a mistake, you didn't deliberately do it.

    Always check the ingredients to make sure the product is halal.  

  30. what r u vegetarian or something...or effected that the bible says to not eat pork? cause people eat pork everyday u dont have to do anything...ull be ok

  31. There's nothing you can do,just check labels more carefully in future.

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